BBM SEPT 2019 Sample BBM Sept Preview | Page 4

COME TO THE PARTY INTRODUCING Jude Goodwin In the little town of Rossland, British Columbia, tucked in the Monashee Mountains with more than seven months of snow a year, was where Jude Goodwin learned to play bridge. One day, a friend suggested they play bridge in the evening. They found two more willing participants and, with a convention card in hand, they played all night. As they learned more, they were hooked on the game. Soon, Jude found herself becoming more active in organizing bridge events. The Gold Rush Sectional in Rossland was one of the ACBL’s most popular tournaments. To attract players, Jude and others on the tournament committee offered an all-inclusive deal – one price that included a room at the host hotel (the Uplander), entry fees, free pizza Friday night, a free Sunday breakfast, and gold rush perks and events. Players enjoyed it so much they came from all over British Columbia as well as Alberta, Washington, 10 and Oregon. To encourage newer players to experience tournament bridge with their peers, Jude and others organized a new event called Future Stars for those under 100 masterpoints. Jude also became an accomplished bridge player. Together on a team with June Pocock and Julie Smith, Jude’s first bridge partner, they won a Silver Medal in the 1992 Canadian Women’s Teams Championship. Away from the bridge table, Jude made an equally impressive mark on Canadian bridge, serving as Unit 430 President, and editor of various unit and Canadian Bridge Federation newsletters, publications, and website. “I enjoyed watching bridge players at the table. I found humor and fun in how they approached the game and interacted with one another, as partners and opponents,” explained Jude. “In my spare time after putting my kids to bed, I recreated the bridge vignettes into cartoons. I sent them to Henry Francis at the ACBL’s Bridge Bulletin. The positive reception led to two published cartoon books.” Many of these cartoons were a regular feature of the Better Bridge magazine some twenty-five years ago. Next came a series of books that Jude authored for beginners. The focus is kids who want to learn the game. Jude also launched her own website consulting firm, Goodwin Creative. In addition, she is the owner of one of the most comprehensive bridge websites called Great Bridge Links ( A udrey G rant ’ s B etter B ridge | S eptember -O ctober 2019 Jude, the Gold Medal winner, in the Test of Metal race in 2008. Outside of bridge, Jude is just as active and engaged. She spent 8 years competing in off-road mountain bike races, medaling in many grueling competitions including the BC Championship and Test of Metal. She now sings with a competitive women’s a cappella chorus, and is a successful poet, having just published her first poetry book, "The Night Before Snow". Jude is enthusiastic about continuing to promote bridge. “It’s great to see players returning to bridge after retirement. Bridge provides a social connection and playing on the internet is a good option in addition to local club games. However, to expand and grow the game, it's important to recruit younger players and nurture them.” Bridge is a game that Jude loves and it shows.