BBI QBL The Wrap 2017 Issue 7 | Página 3

? .. w o n k u o y id d Well JULY IS THE seventh month of the year (be- tween June and August) in the Julian and Grego- rian Calendars and the fourth month to have the length of 31 days. It was named by the Roman Senate in honour of the Roman general, Julius Cæsar, it being the month of his birth. Prior to that, it was called Quintilis – in addition to all of that and more importantly this month will be the making or otherwise of our sea- son as the men and wom- en play 3 double header week-ends in a row. This includes the Sun- shine swing and the Rocky-Mackay road trip. If we come out this in good shape then we will be ready to finish the season strong- ly in preparation for finals. Make no mistake it will be a tough month for the Wesley Lady Caps and the Hudor men. Mixed results last week against Ipswich we split the contests. Lady Capitals due to injury only suited up 8 players and in the end this took its toll with fouls and fatigue, and the men main- tained an even game plan, eventually winning by 22 in the end. Tonight’s game against Townsville will de- liver some tough matches and as usual some great basketball. This coming week at Bris- bane Basketball sees our social competitions get un- derway for the second half of the year with nearly 190 teams nominated. We ap- preciate and acknowledge this support. In addition to this the juniors resume from their holidays and will be back on court as well, and then junior capital trials follow soon thereafter. As they say “Basketball never stops” and there is always something happening or about to happen here at Auchenflower. #ourteamourtownourtime #capsnation #QBL17 Trevor Lidstone General Manager Brisbane Basketball Inc.