BBC Gardeners' World Live Special Edition Showguide 2021 | Page 31

“ Make Do and Mend ”
Designer : Andy Wright Company : HighGround Charity Border Garden
This border has been designed and built with sustainability in mind . All the hard landscaping elements and most of the plants will return to DMRC Stanford Hall , Loughborough where they will be used for the benefit of the patients undergoing military rehabilitation . The build will involve a number of patients undergoing rehabilitation , either on the ground at the NEC or making elements during their rehab sessions at Stanford Hall . The power of using horticulture and plants in both physical and mental rehabilitation cannot be overstated . The sensory properties of plants can be used in so many ways to help with rehabilitation . All of the plants used in this border have the ability to the stimulate
the senses , be it touch , taste , smell or even the sound some plants can make .
From Hippocrates to Vaccines
Designer : Annette Yiannaki Company : Primavera Garden Design Sponsors or Supporting Companies : Lewis at Bernhard ’ s Nurseries www . bernhardsnurseries . co . uk Richard , Paul and Stephen at David Austin Roses www . davidaustinroses . co . uk Andre & Darren at Oakdene Nurseries , Cobham
This border highlights the powerful influence of plants in medicine , from Hippocrates , ‘ Father of Medicine ’, through medieval herbalism , to today ’ s fight against COVID-19 . The planting mixes an evergreen structure with a rich palette of herbaceous planting against a backdrop of slate grey trellis . A heart-shaped path signifies the NHS logo . A bench beneath an olive tree provides a contemplative viewpoint , overlooking a calming , central water feature .
Explore the Rainbow
Designer : Ashley McElvaney Company : Good Ground Garden Design www . goodgrounddesign . co . uk www . instagram . com / good _ ground _ design Sponsors or Supporting Companies : Ruth Moilliet created the insect sculptures . www . ruthmoilliet . com sculpture @ ruthmoilliet . com www . instagram . com / ruthmoillietsculpture
A celebration of colour - the beautiful , exuberant rainbow of non – toxic flowers catches the eye , while tunnels running across the border encourage interaction with the plants ; a hidden world becomes visible !
BBC Gardeners World – Beautiful Borders Competition 2020
Designed for an urban Explore the primary Rainbow school , lively
Perspective Drawing
insect sculptures help children to draw connections between flora and fauna .
Ashley McElvaney
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