BayWindow_December2020 | Page 8


Dear Bay Window Family ,
We face a new and challenging world as 2021 dawns . I choose to think of this future as exhilarating . Strange indeed , for I have teetered on the cliff of mild depression , off and on , this year of pandemic , as so many others have as well . Now believing that there is no return to what we formerly knew as “ normal life ,” we must open our minds , hearts and imaginations to ideas , practices , and life uncharted .
COVID-19 may have thrust this revolution upon us , but it was coming long before , born in technology , the explosion of mass electronic media , and most significantly a social , cultural , financial , racial and religious upending of long-standing accepted convention .
With massive change comes both upheaval and opportunity . On many levels during this year , Americans have demonstrated supreme resilience in adapting to upheaval . Clearly , it has not been easy . Yet , human ingenuity has delivered dramatic options on how and where we live , work , dine , congregate , pray , and raise and educate children , and that ’ s just for starters . We have survived , we have learned , and now we face 2021 , literally a brave new world .
And we face the new reality with unbridled optimism . Why ? Because , as they say , “ That ’ s what we do .” We choose life . We choose righteousness . We choose happiness . We rise above the fear , tune out all the negative noise . While holiday season 2020 will be different , it will remain filled with wonder and joyous celebrations . Cliché perhaps , we count our blessings , embrace those we cherish , and ultimately , above all else , choose hope .
T . S . Elliot writes , “ For last year ’ s words belong to last year ’ s language and next year ’ s words await another voice . And to make an end is to make a new beginning .” We have the chance to make an amazing new beginning in 2021 . Merry Christmas , Happy Hanukkah , blessings to all celebrating their beliefs this season hoping for humanity to “ get in right ” in the New Year .
With passion and purpose ,
Bruce Cook Editor