Bay Window Magazine | May 2022 | Page 48

[ GOLF ]

Mishitting Mishaps


Practicing is a key component to ensuring that you find success on the golf course . Before setting out to play a game of golf , there are a number of things to consider , from your stance to your swing . But there are some aspects that are often overlooked when practicing . One of these is how the ball is hit , taking care not to mishit behind or on top of the ball — leading to missing the fairway or the green altogether .

According to Carlo Borunda , the director of instruction at Newport Beach Country Club , this is a pivotal part of golfing . “ The quality of your contact with the golf ball is one of the most important aspects of playing the game ,” he says . “ Each golfer ’ s intent is to make contact with the golf ball before they ever think about the quality of their golf swing . If your contact is poor , then your confidence and score are bound to suffer .”
Here , Borunda reveals which kinds of things can cause you to mishit a golf ball and how to fix it .
Bay Window : Why is it important to understand what causes you to make poor contact with the golf ball ? Carlo Borunda : Golf can be a very difficult sport even when you are making solid contact with the golf ball . I try to teach my students solutions to the different types of poor contact they will experience so they can quickly make adjustments during their round . It is very helpful to have the ability to self diagnose and solve problems on your own , which will allow you to get back to playing to your ability and enjoying the game .
Shifting your upper body too far to the left in your backswing will promote contact with the top of the golf ball .
BW : What are some things in your setup that can have a negative effect on your contact ? CB : A mistake in where you place the golf ball in your stance is likely to create contact issues . If you are struggling with the trajectory of the golf ball , remember to check your ball position . A ball that is positioned toward your