Bay Window Magazine | May 2022 | Page 32


The Summer Season Approaches With Excitement

Selby Gillett Director of Membership
It feels GOOD to be back at the Balboa Bay Club ! Like coming back home after a summer vacation . Admittedly a little bittersweet as it does mean I get fewer hours each day with my sweet little baby girl , but also so comforting to be back in the routine , seeing old friends , and being the one people come to for answers occasionally instead of that fragile new mom feeling of never really knowing what the right way is to do anything .
I ’ d like to give a special shout out to Christine Nuñez for all her hard work while I was out on leave . She truly helped keep the membership department running and we are fortunate to have her as a part of the team .
I ’ m so excited to be back and at it and can ’ t believe that we already find ourselves on the precipice of summer ! Over the past several weeks it ’ s been a real joy getting back into the groove , so to speak . As I ’ ve conducted my tours with prospective members , I ’ ve found myself with a refreshed appreciation for all we have to offer – facilities , events , and community alike ; almost as if I ’ m experiencing it all for the first time right alongside them . How lucky am I to have a job that I was anxious to come back to ? I can only imagine how much joy this place must bring for those of you who don ’ t have to spend part of your time behind a desk while here . As we head into the summer season , I invite you to recall the excitement you felt as a new member and take a peek at the Club through that perspective . I think you ’ ll find it pretty special .
“ Absence makes the heart grow fonder .”

Please join me in welcoming :

GRAY FAMILY “ We are looking forward to creating lifelong memories for our family and being a part of the Balboa Bay Club community for many years to come .”
RASCH FAMILY “ We are looking forward to taking advantage of the great weather by spending family time at the Bay Club beach and pool . Our girls are most excited about the slide that comes out in summer !”
DINAPOLI FAMILY “ We are so excited to be a part of the Balboa Bay Club and look forward to spending summers on the beach and making new memories .”