Letter from the Founder and Chief Editor
Welcome to the July/Aug/Sept/Oct 2015 issue of Bay Life Living Magazine. The feeling is so surreal, the concept that we move forward and set forth that ideal, we see this new issue as our reminder—to be locally rooted but globally connected, fully engaged with the world as it is but optimistically focused on what it can be, inspired by those delivering creative unique stories while providing our readers with an insight to the interesting people, places, products, services and businesses.
Bay Life Living Magazine remains true: to celebrate, reflect, and push forward a positive growing community of people committed to living life to the fullest and enjoying the communities they rejoice in.
With the inception of Bay Life Living Magazine, we sought to inspire and inform people, thanks to you the reader. We will continue to provide communities with what we feel is that for the interest of the people.
Special thanks go out to the celebrities, writers, contributors, photographers, editors, advertisers, to the many social medias and to our family and friends who have made this all possible. A heartfelt thank-you.
Thank - you f or all the positive feedback.
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ISSUE 02 July/Aug/Sept/Oct 2015