Bay Life Living Issue 1 | Page 26

It’s the mere sense of freedom I feel as the gentle breezes dance through my thoughts, sparking a creative flow of energy that can no longer be described to its justice; than a fleeting moment of time not yet captured to the extent of magnitude of praises it deserves.

My spirit had long been awakened before this time in one sense or another. But, while drinking my coffee one particular morning on my deck overlooking the bay, I learned that every morning at that same time a couple of dolphins accompanied each other in their delightful swim together in their harmonious path of the day. So, you bet, that became an appointment I would never want to miss. Having the soft chiming music ringing from the masts off the sail boats while moored at the dock was an alluring touch that was sure to add pleasure to my morning coffee experience. As I gazed my eyes intently upon the dolphins as they swam past, whom I grew to love, and eventually named one Humphrey, and the other Bogart, my curiosity became more intense with true wonderment of why they swam together. Was it a male and female with a love story? Or was it a calf and its mother bonding in precious time? Or could it have been two juveniles socializing?

These thoughts intrigued me immensely, as if to define my existence for a while. The expression of this would lead me to delve into research. Therefore, through that process I learned that dolphins have fluid social relationships. The females tend to have similar home ranges that include generations of moms and their calves. While the males tend to alliance pairing with another male on a quest for mating opportunities. The juveniles tend to associate together until they mature.

Another interesting fact on dolphin life, is that they swim together with other species as well. They do this in order to protect each other from their predators.
Fluid Social Lives at Bay
By Rendi Cloe Johnson