Bay Life Living Issue 1 | Page 12

For the Princess, living in St. Germain I could see how the love filled the air with its elegant tree-lined streets situated in very peaceful surroundings of Paris. Where the Princess lives, is said to be one of the more affluent suburbs of Paris, France. From what I have seen for myself, I would have to agree. It is there our beautiful Princess finds her inspiration. She lives not far from the corner of the Blvd. Saint Germain and Rue Street, where the famous cafe, Cafe De Flore, is located. She spoke of the area of where she lives as the heart of Paris and that this place is within her heart always. It is where she finds great inspiration and enjoys life. It was at that time I couldn’t help but speak about my beautiful mother as we took a moment to talk about how I wrote a song for her entitled,
"Forever Germaine". I found it interesting too, that she also had a red piano in her house and that I had written a song, “Red Piano.” I found it very surreal. Just the mere fact that she now lives in an area with the same name as my mother, and having the red piano, simply spoke to me.

It seemed so easy to talk to her on a professional level. It was no different than any other conversation.

As we moved along in the interview and because for myself, both men’s and women’s fashions intrigue me, I just had to talk about fashion and ask her about hers. I wanted to know how she chooses what she wears each day for both day and evening wear. “You know it really depends on my mood. I love clothing with color. For example, I love one color of a dress, and it makes it simple. As for the fashion scene I do not really follow it. However, I know a lot of designers and stylists. I enjoy making my own fashion.”

I found being an artist myself, that I could relate to the fact that she likes to create and invent her own statement, her own fashions each day. She expressed that she finds that
the industry in fashion comes out with clothing that they want you to wear, “I don’t like to follow someone I like to wear what I like and that is my own creations full of color.” She said. While we spoke of fashions we spoke about shopping so I asked if she still enjoys shopping. She said to me that she is not the type of girl to make time for shopping now in her life.