BATH Vol. 1 | Page 18

87 %

of participants have disconnected from at least one family member due to political , social , or justice issues said that stress from current events has impacted their ability to experience joy 67 % 62 % of participants have disconnected from at least one friend due to political , social , or justice issues

54 % 54 % have experienced physical pain directly or indirectly related to grief

have experienced physical pain directly or indirectly related to current events

Top six most concerning issues for participants : 95 % concerned about their personal mental health 93 % concerned about the future of the country / the world 90 % concerned about their personal future 86 % concerned about mental health of others in their community 85 % concerned about their physical health 84 % concerned about physical health of others in their community

“ As a kid I used to sink down to the bottom of swimming pools and sit so I could be alone . I wanted to experience something different , like an underwater world . I told my therapist that was the closest feeling to safety I can recall as a child and I try to remember that now when I feel I need safety .”