Bastide 1 | Page 5

''The past can not be cured''

Queen Elizabeth the First,London



Both armies faced each other in the North Sea, the strong winds and cold weather were to the English navy’s favor. After two months of intense fighting, that included the famous Battle of Gravelines, the Armada made its return to Spain. They suffered a shameful loss of about 60 ships and as many as 15, 000 deaths

During her final years, Elizabeth was flooded with problems. The tension with Ireland was making the kingdom harder to rule, especially for an elderly woman with decaying health. England was also struck with famine, as last three year’s crops were unfruitful.

The woman sank into a deep depression, isolating herself. The only joy in her life was her court, so she demanded to be treated as a young, beautiful queen again. Elizabeth was said to go as far as to prohibit all kinds of mirrors around her. This was the end of an Era.

Elizabeth Tudor fell ill during 1603’s winter. The queen refused all food and medical treatment, as she was prepared for death. She died on March 24th, 1603, leaving no heir for the English throne, but a huge legacy behind her.

Article by:

Claudia Valdelomar Barrantes 9-3