BassFishing_FebMarch2023 | Page 80

Batteries : Kay foraks
� Boat� st Ic
eFishi ng �
Electroni cs
� M uch
M ore !
a rin e
B a tte ry
E xp e rts
S ta y a h e a d o f t h e in d u stry u sin g A m p e d O u td o o rs C u sto m E n g in e e re d P ro d u cts !.
� B ased in the U S A All produc st support ed are engin eere d , shipped and rfom H udso on W isconsi n !
� Industry Leading S u pport N o cus ot m er goes unserved . Oursupport isknown of r mit eli ness s and overall
cus ot m ersatsi af c iton 100 % Guaranteed !
Am ped qualiyt
O utdoors tilhium engineringand developm en t. ourselves atbeing the fir st ni ot provide et chnology w hil e m aking ti easy ot use . 1 ) has been producing oi n solut ions 6 + yearsof the latest
F rist ot develop and
W the e pri de indusrty gr eatest a fforable and
cI e Fis hing
Why ��������� �Choose
Amped Outdoors ?
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Build Quality AffordabPricing After Sales
Support CompleteBattery
Variety FastShippinandTurnaroun
B est P rices and Q uality
dedicated ba tterie s
You w ill notbeatAm ped Outdoorspricing
2 )
Fir st ot rele ase 14 . 8V
forw orldclass gradeA build and qualiyt !
sif hing elec rt roni cs
N o G im m icks
C us ot m ers arequickyl y ca ct hing on ot gimm ciks in the indust rty . Am ped
Outdoors producst easil y sellt hem selves !
arebuil tto w ork and
3 ) bat t eie s H ighestcapac yti batt eri es per szie andweightint he indus rty !
2000 O ne li Rd STE 300 , Hu dson , W I54016
Tel 715-914-7274 W W W . A M P E D O U T D O O R S . C O M