bassculture islands
of person to follow. I
think that’s why I hated
school. I always believed
from a young age that I
had better answers and
better ideas than everyone else. Most of guys
listen to their parents
and follow their jobs
description where they
have to be clean shaved.
I love being on the opposite end. Somehow
people gravitate towards
going against the status
quo. Especially when
you do it right.
True man is…
Everyone has their own
opinion of what a true
man is. In my opinion it
has nothing to do with
his looks. A true man is
an exceptional human
being that represents
positivity to his fellow
people and the world he
lives in.
Perfect beard is…
I not saying every
guy should grow
a beard, but they
would be missing out on all the
fun bearded guys
have. It’s a blessing. Some guys are
blessed with height
and some guys are
blessed with beard.
life interesting, fun and
There are lots of
it gives you something
ugly beards, guys
to look back on. Do
who can’t grow
you remember looking
it fully and guys
at pictures of your dad
who don’t know
how to trim it. The with an Afro when that
beard must be ta- was in style or with bell
bottom pants? Those
pered so it does
not make your face pictures are so cool!
look round. You
Any benefits? There
can grow the hair
around your chin is no real significant
as long as you want benefits, it’s basically
but the sides must just for fun or to enbe faded into your hance your look and
sideburns and be in gives you a sense of style
line with your face. in