Bass Musician Magazine - SPECIAL August 2013 Latin Issue | Page 99

BMM What was your first bass, of Colombia where I was born and how did you come by it? was always influenced by the music coming from Cuba, the LAEPP My first one was a Caribbean, Africa and Mexico, 4-string Steinberger bass guitar and it was in this region were that I bought on my first trip to Vallenato music was conceived; New York with the group ‘Binomio a great privilege to be born in this de Oro.’ area. BMM Tell us about that very BMM What are your main musical first day you had a bass in your and bass influences? hands. LAEPP Rangel Maño Torres LAEPP The first time was (R.I.P.) and Jose Vazquez are the difficult since I was coming from first bassists I began to study; practicing on my acoustic guitar, they are the pillars of Vallenato. and I did not know how to mute Later names such as Jaco the chords and I was not use to Pastorius and Stanley Clarke the “noise-fest” that would kick came along, and much of African in… basically the first time was music, Salsa and Merengue. messy and uncontrollable. BMM How do you define the BMM As a bassist born in Latin music style you play? America, do you find this to be an advantage or disadvantage? LAEPP My style is a result of listening to all kinds of genres LAEPP I believe that being born and always being willing to learn; in Latin America is an advantage. this has lead me to explore new In my particular case, the region paths. AUG 2013 : BASSMUSICIANMAGAZINE.COM