Bass Musician Magazine - SPECIAL August 2013 Latin Issue | Page 11

like this approach, as we have Spanish guitar lessons and some ideas for possible special listened to hours of Mariachi, Trio editions in the future! music and Norteño. As a teenager, my family So what is it about Latin music moved to Puerto Rico from El in particular that inspired Paso and introduced me to a this issue? We felt we had whole new selection of musical a responsibility to share the styles and rhythms. Having some treasure that is Latin American guitar skills under my belt, I was music, as seen through the eyes quickly recruited to join “La Tuna and talent of Latin bassists, with De Cayey”, a traditional group the rest of the world. that set the bar for Puerto Rican I have always been very partial Christmas music, but also had to Latin music. It could be, in a wide variety of other pieces part, because my ancestors that they incorporated from their boarded Spanish sailing vessels Spanish predecessors (Spanish in the Canary Islands and we Tunas) and surrounding Latin spread around the world like American countries, such as weeds. I could point out that in the Dominican Republic and my very early years my Aunt Venezuela, but equally reaching Helen brought home records from deep into the Afro-Antillean roots Brazil and I listened to Samba that are present; I believe that and Bossa Nova, as much as I having played this music gave listened to the Beatles. me a much better insight to it’s I must include the exposure fine details. Needless to say, that one gets from geographical during the eighteen years that I location. In my years living in El lived on the island my ears were Paso, TX, we frequented Ciudad also wide open and I listened to Juarez where I took classical everything I could. AUG 2013 / BASSMUSICIANMAGAZINE.COM