Bass Musician Magazine - SPECIAL August 2013 Latin Issue | Page 12
The vast span of what used to
Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela,
be the Spanish empire reaches
Uruguay, Peru, Brazil and Costa
around the globe and includes
Rica. I know that many of you will
millions of inhabitants. This
probably think we are missing
geographic area is home to an
some important bassists and I
immense richness of musical
entirely agree, but we have to
heritage and tradition that often
start somewhere and there will
blended with the native music
be opportunities to produce more
structures. The highly diverse
Latin Bass Musician special
styles of music and rhythms
issues in the future (If you guys
found in the Latin realm share
really like them)!
many similarities, but also have
We feel that it is essential
unique characteristics that make
for you to get to know these
them regionally identifiable to
fine musicians as we do and
those of us who have lived in
hopefully, we have shared great
these areas.
insight into their origins, their
Considering the unimaginable
adaptations (like converting a
number of Latin bass musicians
guitar into a bass), the details
that there are all around the
about their lives and careers and
world, selecting a manageable
their inspirations.
group to interview was a huge
Of course we had to ask about
challenge. The sheer number
their gear in some detail and
of incredibly talented bassists
their individual sounds. Lastly
exceed our capabilities to include as we are a virtual magazine,
them all in this one issue, so
we have addressed the impact
we have brought you a mere
of the Internet on each of them;
sampling of veteran artists
the Internet has made our world
and emerging players from
so much more accessible and
Chile, Puerto Rico, Argentina,
allowed us to share music,