Bass Fishing Oct - Nov 2022 | Page 95

Division standings . Cuts were made after Day 2 , and the Colorado teammates were fortunate enough to move on thanks to 9-11 the second day . Their 13-13 two-day weight total put them in sixth in the overall standings , but remained first place in their Western Division . Because of that , they moved on to the final day to join the top-two ranked teams from the Central , Southern , Northern and Eastern divisions .
Weights were reset to zero on the final day . Robertshaw and Steinhoff took advantage of the reset , beating the second-place North Carolina team of Nolan Clark and Jackson Eakes by 5-4 to claim the win .
Robertshaw and Steinhoff earned a shiny new trophy and bragging rights , and were also each awarded a $ 6,000 scholarship to go to any school of their choosing .
2022 TBF Junior World Championship teams
Statement of Ownership , Management and Circulation required by an act of August 12 , 1970 : Section 3685 , Title 39 , United States Code . Publication Title : Bass Fishing ; Publication Number : 008-124 ; Filing Date : September 20 , 2022 ; Issue Frequency : 6x / year – Dec / Jan , Feb / March , April / May , June / July , Aug / Sept , Oct / Nov . No . of issues Published Annually : 6 ; Annual Subscription Price : $ 10.00 ; Mailing Address of Publication : 30 Gamble Ln ., Benton , KY 42025 ; Contact Person : Michelle Dowling , 270-252-1604 ; Mailing Address of Headquarters : 30 Gamble Ln ., Benton , KY 42025 ; Publisher : FLW ; Editor : Joel Shangle ; Owned and Managed by MLFLW , LLC , 30 Gamble Lane , Benton , KY 42025 . Extent and Nature of Circulation : ( a ) Average No . Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months ; ( b ) Actual No . Copies of Single Issue ( Aug / Sept 2022 ) Published Nearest to Filing Date . A . Total No . Copies Printed : ( a .) 29,247 , ( b .) 20,593 ; B . Paid and / or Requested Circulation : 1 . Outside-County Mail Subs : ( a .) 20,672 , ( b .) 20,323 ; 2 . In-County Subs : ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; 3 . Sales Through Dealers , etc .: ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; 4 . Other Classes Mailed : ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; C . Total Paid Circulation : ( a .) 20,672 , ( b .) 20,323 ; D . Free Distribution by Mail : 1 . Outside County : ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; 2 . In-County : ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; 3 . Other Classes : ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; 4 . Free Distribution Outside Mail : ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; E . Total Free Distribrution : ( a .) 0 , ( b .) 0 ; F . Total Distribution : ( a .) 20,672 , ( b .) 20,323 ; G . Copies Not Distributed : ( a .) 8,575 , ( b .) 270 ; H . Total : ( a .) 29,247 , ( b .) 20,593 ; I . Percent Paid and / or Request Circulation : ( a .) 100 %, ( b .) 100 %.