Bass Fishing Oct - Nov 2022 | Page 81






You might have noticed that this article is focused solely on baitcasting reels , which is helpful , but it also neglects half the reel population – spinning reels .
Well , the reality is a lot of what applies to baitcasting reels does as well for their spinning brethren in terms of taking off the spool and cleaning the edges and spool shaft . However , as intricate as baitcasting reels are , spinning reels are even more so – which is why Davis has some advice .
“ Don ’ t touch spinning reels ,” Davis warns . “ Send them back to the manufacturer , pay your $ 30 and wait two weeks . They ’ re just too finicky .”
Still , it ’ s important to understand that if you take care of your gear , it ’ ll take care of you . Even a little TLC can go a long way toward keeping your reels – and everything else – working for you for a long time .


If a little oil or grease can do wonders to smooth a reel , surely a lot can make it even better , right ? Actually , no – it ’ s the opposite .
Davis learned that the hard way the first time he tried to oil and grease a reel himself .
“ I probably used the entire bottle of reel oil ,” Davis admits . “ I went out the next day and that thing would not cast at all . I mean , it was just locked up . I sent it in , and when I got it back , the bill showed everything they did , but someone had also written , ‘ Next time don ’ t use so much oil and grease !’
“ I found out later that overgreasing or over-oiling a reel is almost worse than dirt . If you use too much , it won ’ t let the reel be free and the tolerances will be too tight for the reel to function .” n