Bass Fishing Oct - Nov 2016 | Page 119

O MICHIGAN TBF HOSTS LEGISLATIVE SPORTSMEN’S CAUCUS FISHING EVENT n Monday, July 11, The Bass Federation of Michigan hosted state lawmakers, Department of Natural Resources staff and Michigan United Conservation Clubs representatives at its second annual Lake St. Clair bass fishing outing – dubbed the Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus Bass Fishing Event. The event was designed to help legislators better appreciate the world-class fishery of St. Clair and its fertile yet fragile ecosystem, while giv- ing bass tournament anglers a chance to meet policymakers and conservation officials. Before the group hit the water, DNR fisheries biologist and bass tournament liaison Tom Goniea gave a short pres- entation at the Lake St. Clair Fisheries Research Station. He reported that nearly 2,000 bass tournaments had registered for 2016 on the Michigan Fishing Tournament Information System to date. Results from several hundred events had already also been entered to give the DNR a better under- standing of the state’s most popular bass destinations. After the presentation, boater vol- unteers and guests were matched up and sent fishing on Lake St. Clair for three hours before returning for a luncheon hosted by TBF of Michigan. Legislators in attendance are members of the Michigan Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus, the largest bipartisan caucus in Michigan state government. TBF of Michigan Conservation Director Dan Kimmel reports that both the fishing and presentations were well received by the lawmakers. “Some participants landed their first-ever Great Lakes smallmouth bass, along with a number of other species,” he says. “Legislators also appreciated the presentation and left with a deeper understanding of the impact bass tournaments have on Michigan’s economy.” Kimmel thanked TBF volunteers, including TBF of Michigan President Dave Reault, for donating their time and covering all boating and lunch- eon expenses to ensure the event involved no cost to taxpayers. 7KH6ZLPEDLW)LVKLQJ'9'7KDWEUHDNVDOOWKHUXOHV )LOPHGLQ*HRUJLD$UNDQVDVDQGWKH&DUROLQDV Sen. Ken Horn (left) shows off a nice smallmouth caught while fishing with boater volunteer Tommy Robinson. 9LHZWKH)LOP¶V7UDLOHU3LFWXUHV5HYLHZV SXUFKDVH OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2016 I FLWFISHING.COM VRXWKHUQWURXWHDWHUVFRP 117