Bass Fishing Oct - Nov 2016 | Page 23

If you want to HOOK UP with FAT GIRLS LIKE THESE, YOU’VE GOT TO HAVE A GOOD WINGMAN. Get yourself a PILOT! University of Tennessee at Chattanooga angler Dillon Falardeau The Pilot ™ Guide Series from frogg toggs ® is constructed from our 3-layer submersible wader material, combined with 100% sealed seams and our patented DriPore Gen2 ™ breathable technology to JXDUDQWHH\RXVWD\GU\DQGFRPIRUWDEOHIURPEODVWRƚWRZHLJKLQ 'HVLJQHGIRU\RXFUHDWHGIRUWKHRXWGRRUV