Bass Fishing Oct - Dec 2019 | Page 13

SECOND HIGH SCHOOL FISHING CAMP DrAWS 300 ATTENDEES FLW and Costa welcomed 230 high school anglers and 70 adults for the second annual High School Fishing Camp at Murray State University and Kentucky Lake. Campers were coached by about a dozen FLW Tour pros plus FLW tournament directors, local guides and FLW media staff on subjects such as boat maintenance, tackle selection, fishing techniques, electronics use, fish care, angler etiquette, social media and fishing industry career planning. The adults in attendance were mostly parents and club advisors who participated in seminars on best practices for managing high school fishing teams. In all, it was another successful venture in preparing the next generation of professional bass anglers. “The 2019 camp left everyone in atten- dance feeling energized for our sport and excited to put the newfound knowledge to work on the water,” says FLW National Youth Director Scott Ellison, who led the planning efforts for the camp. “It’s a tremen- dous sight to see young anglers from every cor- ner of our country come together with a shared desire for the sport of fishing. We certainly expect to see this camp continue to grow and provide more opportunities for young anglers to pursue their fishing passions.” Details about the 2020 summer camp will be made available in the spring. ,  G    ]  % i   õ Š Ò Ç  õ £ í õ £ ž ´ Š Ò ž  õ û Ò £ ž õ ´ Š õ Ƒ í  õ ´ £  ž · ­ ­ £ é £ Ò ˜ £ ų õ ´ £  í Š Ê ÐÙ  ž · ­ ­ £ é £ Ò ˜ £ (YHU\VLQJOH6DOPR3HUIRUPDQFH)LVKLQJ/XUHLV SDLQVWDNLQJO\KDQGFUDIWHGWHVWHGLQDWDQNRI ZDWHUDQGWXQHGE\KDQGWRHQVXUHSHUIHFWDFWLRQ HYHU\WLPH í Š Ê ÐÙ  í è û Š é £ – · Ê Ê ćććŶ í Š Ê ÐÙ û í Š Ŷ ˜ Ù Ð FALL 2019 I FLWFISHING.COM 11