Bass Fishing Oct - Dec 2019 | страница 2

B R Y A N T H R I F T 2 0 19 F LW W CUP C HAMP PION In a dominating p performance befitting his Ranger nger Z520L, Bryan Thrift put on a summertime fishing clinic at the 2019 FL W Cup on Arkansas’ Lake Hamilton, ton, besting the field by b more than 5 pounds to take ke home the $300,000 top prize. e e. Carrying the Ran nger torch in second through h fifth place are Kyle Wa W alters, , Dakota Ebare, Je eremy Lawyer and Scott Mar rtin. With the most proven layouts youts ® eries of bass boats are the only nly and performance e, Ranger’s s Z-Comanche Se serious choice o of America’s s top bass pros. Find Fi out why at com STILL BUILDING LE GENDS... O N E A T A T I M E ™ ! For The e Name Of Yo our Nearest Rang ger ® Dealer, , Call: 1 1-80 80 00 00-37 3 7 73 3 3-B BOA 37 B T ( (2628) TM/® are trademarks/registere ed trademarks of Ranger ® Boats, a division of White Ri iver Marine Group, LLC, its affiliates or suppliers. © Copyright MMXIX White Rive er Marine Group R-9180