Make it a point to go out and get a few good images that
include each sponsor’s products or brands. Concentrate on
real-world photos (referred to as lifestyle images in the mar-
keting world), such as a close-up of a lure in a fish’s mouth or
your boat at the launch ramp at dawn. Again, with today’s
technology, capturing quality images is a breeze, even when
you’re alone. Invest in and learn to use GoPro cameras. Even
in video mode, basic software allows users to pull compelling
still photos.
Finally, conclude the update with a future plan. Marketing
execs are subject to high volumes of wannabe pros that
dream big, then disappear. A scripted plan separates you
from the masses. Include tournament objectives for next
season, as well as goals for increased social media activity
and growth. Include a schedule of posts, photos or videos
that will help sponsors in their budget plans for next season.
Deliver the Package
Delivery of the update can be accomplished electronically
or through hard copy. Electronic submissions are the norm.
Try to stay under 16MB total, and deliver it in PDF format.
Don’t discount hard copies, however, if you think your work is
going unnoticed. Have your update professionally printed
and bound at a local office supply store to add a nice touch.
Delivering a fully updated report to each sponsor is the
smart way to show that you’re delivering on your end of the
deal, and it should be part of every sponsored angler’s off-
season business plan.