By Kyle Wood
ome people think the only way to coerce finicky small-
mouths into biting is to use finesse baits and light line.
Sometimes that’s the case, but another approach that
can work is to fish more aggressive tactics in order to trigger
sluggish fish into biting. In the fall, snap-jigging ice fishing
baits such as the Rapala Jigging Rap is one technique that
works really well. While the Jigging Rap and similar ice baits
don’t look like much, they’re highly effective fish catchers.
When to Try It
Jigging Raps catch bass in many scenarios across the
country, but they work especially well on the clear natural
lakes of the North where smallmouths have to contend with
ice over their heads for a major portion of the year.
The technique shines when the water temperature dips
between the low 60s and upper 40s. In the North Country,
this period spans from mid-fall into early winter.
(up to about 7/8 ounce), but have a tip soft enough so it
doesn’t rip the hooks out during the hookset.
Braid is the best main line. It helps to transmit the feel of
bottom content and make long casts. The lack of stretch
means fish stay pegged better, too.
Probably the most important piece of gear is a swivel.
Casting these baits is like launching a helicopter blade
through the air, so you want to avoid the headache of line
tangles. Use a No. 4 or 6 swivel to connect a 10-inch-long
leader of 12-pound-test fluorocarbon.
While the Rapala Jigging Rap is the original bait in this cat-
egory, several other similar baits work, too. Generally, for
Northern fisheries, stick with crawfish or perch colors.
Where to Look
As the water cools, smallies transition toward areas where
they’ll ride out the colder months. Rock is usually king, but
some form of transition – sand to rock, mud to sand, little
rock to bigger rock, etc. – can also be money. Specifically, look
for rock humps, points or flats anywhere from 15 to 30 feet
deep on natural lakes, though in some places bass will winter
even deeper. Try starting in areas near deep water where you
caught fish earlier in the summer and expand out from there.
Most wintering areas are the same from year to year, so once
you locate a few spots you can target fish there every season.
Use your electronics to scan good-looking areas. The fish
should start to school up this time of year, so when you catch
one you can slow down and thoroughly work the structure to
put more bass in the boat.
No. 7 Rapala
Jigging Rap
No. 6 or 8 Rapala
Snap Rap
Straight Up Jig
The Gear
Spinning gear is the best choice. Jigging Raps and similar
baits sport small hooks, so use a quality reel with a smooth
drag set to slip on the hookset to keep fish hooked up.
A 7- to 7 1/2-foot, medium- to medium-heavy rod is ideal.
It needs to be stiff enough to handle the weight of the baits
Northland Tackle
Puppet Minnow