Bass Fishing Oct 2017 | Page 21

“ It turned out that Orlando liked Roland ’ s theme song the best , so he got me to switch them around ,” recalls Bare . “ It was an awkward thing to do because of Orlando ’ s name having three syllables in it . I think Roland wound up getting the best of that deal .”
Martin ’ s intro music contains references to famous bass lakes around the country , but Bare usually confines his fishing to south Florida waters or lakes closer to home . In January and February , he spends about 45 days fishing . Dale Hollow is a favorite , and Bare will spend a couple of weeks there targeting the lake ’ s giant smallmouths . Kentucky Lake is another popular destination .
“ When I ’ m home in the summer , I might fish a Tuesday nighter at the dam [ on Old Hickory ] with maybe 25 or 30 other boats , but it ’ s so doggone hot we only fish from about 5:30 to 8:30 ,” adds Bare , a member of the Grand Ole Opry and the Country Music Hall of Fame . “ I would say Old Hickory is my least favorite lake . It ’ s pretty tough .”
Bare has outlived many of his fishing buddies , including Dickens and Reed , but his interest in fishing has never waned . Though he demurs from naming them , he has his favorite pros whose career paths he follows and techniques he employs . Nowadays , he ’ s more interested in finesse-fishing tactics and how to apply them successfully . In that respect , he ’ s like every other aspiring angler .
Bare fishes out of a Ranger Comanche , circa 1999 , that ’ s outfitted with a 225-hp engine . He had the boat ’ s front deck lowered to make it safer for him to move around .
“ I ’ m getting old , and my balance isn ’ t what it used to be . And my family doesn ’ t allow me to go fishing by myself anyway ,” he notes . “ But I love that Ranger . It ’ s loaded down with Power-Poles , electronics , remote-control trolling motor . Shoot , it ’ s got everything I need .”
Bare ’ s latest album cover attests to the fact that his has become a household name like Cash or Jones . It features a stark black cover with the name “ BARE ” and the title , “ Things Change ,” under it .
Most things do change in a lifetime , but , even at 82 , there is much about Bare that hasn ’ t . Two of the most important motivations that have helped define his life remain the same :
A singer has to sing , a fisherman has to fish .
Bobby Bare and two of his favorite trophies ; at top , with his Grammy for his hit song , “ Detroit City ,” and , at bottom , with a Lake Okeechobee toad caught during a recent trip .