Bass Fishing Jun - Jul 2021 | Page 53

By Matt Ball
I hear it all the time .
Man , look at all the stuff you got on that kayak . I ’ d lose all my gear if I tried to get out there in that thing .
Those kayaks are pretty neat , but I ’ m just too old and out of shape to spend the day fishing out of a piece of plastic . The list goes on and on . These are comments I routinely hear as I take my kayak to some of the most popular bass fishing lakes across the country . Kayaks are everywhere you go these days , yet many anglers fail to realize the endless opportunities to make these little plastic boats full-blown bass fishing machines .
There isn ’ t much that you can ’ t do with a contemporary fishing kayak , from going simple on a small pond or stream to launching a fully rigged bass fishing platform with motors and electronics on the biggest lakes in the country . The sky really is the limit for today ’ s kayak angler .
If you happen to be one of those anglers who thinks kayaks are a young man ’ s game or are simply too ill-equipped for your bass fishing needs — or maybe you ’ re interested in dipping your toes in new waters and aren ’ t sure where to start — stick around . I ’ d love to change your mind .