Bass Fishing Jul - Sept 2019 | Page 14

SOLUNAR TABLES JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 2019 JULY Date tue 4:05 Mon 3 wed 4 5 6 7 14 4:25 7:10 1:00 7:45 Sun 9:05 2:55 9:40 Sat wed 13 3:30 Fri thu 10 12 9:20 10:15 11:20 Mon 11 3:10 PM Minor Major 5:00 8 9 tue 6:10 8:10 3:55 11:35 5:25 1:00 7:05 11:00 12:15 Sat 1:45 Sun 2:00 10:05 thu Fri —:— 2:35 4:50 5:30 12:25 8:45 2:30 1:30 3:25 Sun Mon 24 wed 23 25 26 27 28 tue thu Fri Sat Sun 8:10 8:55 9:40 10:25 11:10 11:55 12:25 1:10 2:00 2:45 3:30 4:15 9 Fri 8 thu 11:20 Sat 12:40 5:10 11:05 4:50 11:50 3:55 5:55 7:10 12:55 8:15 2:05 8:40 9:20 10:05 10:55 12:35 —:— 1:25 13 15 17 18 1:35 20 2:25 3:05 3:50 4:40 5:25 6:10 6:55 7:45 8:10 2:20 8:40 31 wed 3:50 10:00 4:10 10:35 3:15 11 9:35 Sun tue thu Sat —:— 6:00 12:10 6:25 1:25 7:35 1:50 8:00 2:15 3:00 4:30 6:05 8:20 9:10 9:55 10:35 —:— 19 Mon 21 wed 9:00 2:50 23 Fri 10:40 Sun 22 24 25 tue thu Sat 7:30 6:45 1:20 12:55 2:30 3:20 4:05 4:45 6:25 7:55 8:40 —:— 6:00 12:10 6:30 1:40 7:50 2:00 8:20 11:25 5:15 28 wed 2:35 8:50 3:00 30 Fri 4:30 10:40 4:50 31 thu Sat 3:35 5:20 6:55 11:55 12:45 29 1:40 2:25 4:55 Mon tue 12:10 11:10 26 27 10:15 9:45 11:40 1:05 3:55 5:50 4:00 5:40 7:25 9:20 10:15 11:05 —:— Sun AM Minor Major 6:20 12:10 8:15 2:05 Mon 7:20 4 wed 9:10 6 Fri 3 5 tue PM Minor Major 6:55 1:10 7:50 3:00 9:40 8:45 12:40 2:30 3:25 10:05 3:55 10:35 4:20 Sat 11:50 5:40 —:— 6:05 9 Mon 1:10 7:15 1:25 7:40 11 wed 2:40 8:45 2:55 9:10 13 Fri 4:05 10:05 4:15 10:25 Sun 5:20 11:30 5:40 7 8 14 15 Sun tue thu Sat 11:00 12:20 1:50 3:25 4:40 16 Mon 18 wed 7:35 20 Fri 17 19 21 tue thu 6:10 11:05 11:55 1:50 9:15 3:05 9:45 3:30 11:05 4:55 8:25 wed 27 30 4:55 9:50 8:05 25 29 10:45 3:35 8:25 1:25 6:50 Mon 28 9:25 2:10 6:55 12:15 23 26 8:00 12:40 5:20 6:30 10:10 24 6:30 11:35 —:— Sat 22 4:50 12:40 2:15 7:15 8:55 1:00 2:40 4:00 10:40 —:— 5:50 12:00 6:25 1:25 7:35 1:45 8:05 Fri 3:15 9:20 3:30 9:50 Sun 4:55 11:10 5:20 Sun tue thu Sat Mon 12:40 2:20 6:45 8:30 4:05 10:10 5:55 —:— 11:35 12:55 2:40 Moon Phases 1:35 thu 12 11:00 Day 2 8:45 9:35 4:30 10:15 1 10 3:15 3:40 SEPT. Date 7:10 9:30 9:50 Moon Phases -28 4:25 3:00 12:35 7:50 EASTERN STANDARD TIME 10:35 9:15 10:10 6:45 6:25 9:05 wed 12:00 2:00 2:55 7 3:30 Sun 6:15 10:40 Mon tue 2:30 9:40 11:50 9:55 29 30 8:45 tue 5:35 11:40 7:15 Mon 6 11:25 4:25 5:00 5:45 5 5:15 12:50 22 2:00 Fri 7:05 21 8:15 16 12:25 1:15 1:35 1:05 3:50 6:35 7:25 7:50 7:20 wed 3:35 9:05 Fri Sat Sun 12:05 14 2:50 11:35 20 12:35 11:35 6:20 Mon 5:20 19 4 6:45 5:10 —:— 12 8:20 11:10 —:— Sat 11:00 5:50 7:30 2:00 4:50 5:50 3 4:50 Fri PM Minor Major 1:15 wed thu thu 2 AM Major 10 6:45 17 18 1 Minor 6:00 7:50 10:15 Day —:— 5:15 3:20 4:10 AUG. Date 4:20 11:30 Mon tue Moon Phases 10:35 12:30 8:40 11:55 6:40 6:20 9:25 9:50 10:45 15 16 12 Minor 1 2 AM Major Day CENTRAL STANDARD TIME +52 MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME PACIFIC STANDARD TIME 4:25 5:20 7:10 9:00 4:20 10:40 6:25 12:10 11:40 SolUNAR tAbleS ® are designed to forecast the daily active feeding periods of fish. they are formulated from the position of the earth in relation to the sun and moon. the major periods last for approximately 2 to 3 1/2 hours, and the minor periods last for approximately 3/4 to 1 1/2 hours. to determine the start of major and minor times for your area, find the bold time-zone rule on the map. If you are located in the area left of the time-zone rule, add the number (in minutes) at the top to the corresponding time on the chart. If you are located in the area right of the time-zone rule, subtract the number (in minutes) at the bottom from the corresponding time on the chart. Add one hour to all times during daylight saving time. FLWFISHING.COM I SuMMER 2019