Bass Fishing Jul 2018 | Page 42

TAKEOFF BOAT TECH TRAILER MAINTENANCE U tips foR KeepinG YouR Boat’s Ride RollinG By Joe Balog photoS by D.w. ReeD II pkeep and maintenance of a tournament rig are piv- otal to on-the-water success, but touring pros know there’s more to consider than just the boat. trailers are the underrated workhorses of the flW tour. While many anglers just hook up and forget it, trailer upkeep is often the key to peace of mind on the road. Bass boat trailers are built of several components that require a watchful eye. here’s what to look for, and look after. Tires 40 trailer tires are often the first components to wear and need attention. trailer tires should be rotated several times throughout their life – about every 3,000 miles – and checked to be sure they’re wearing evenly. if not, larger trailer prob- lems could result. trailer tires rarely wear out from travel, but age is usually a factor when replacement is needed, especial- ly if tires stay in one position for an extended time. tires FLWFISHING.COM I JULY 2018