Bass Fishing Jan 2018 | Page 21

nutrient Levels Reservoirs can be classified by their nutrient load, and fisheries biologists have several terms to summarize the average productivity and nutrient load found in a body of water. this is called the reservoir’s trophic state. oligotrophic reservoirs are low in productivity. they contain cold, highly oxygenated clean water relatively devoid of nutrients. they have low plankton loads, low abundance and diversity of aquatic vegetation, and host the smallest fish biomass. lake Mead is an example of an oligotrophic reservoir. eutrophic reservoirs feature high productivity, high nutrient loads, high levels of plankton, abundant aquatic vegetation, and the highest fish bio- mass, to a point – as they can get so nutrient laden that they actually become toxic to fish of all species, resulting in fish kills. Ross Barnett is a eutrophic reservoir. Mesotrophic reservoirs are a blend between the two, featuring moderately clear, cool waters with good oxygen lev- els, and ample plankton and aquatic vegetation production. they host abun- dant fish populations and are often some of the best fishing reservoirs year in and year out. Kentucky lake is a mesotrophic reservoir. think about the trophic state when you are preparing to fish a reservoir. if you’re fishing a more oligotrophic reservoir, it’s probably best to go with realistic finesse presentations. if you know it’s eutrophic, concentrate on techniques you’re comfortable with in dark water and aquatic vegetation. nutrient load isn’t the only way anglers can classify reservoirs, howev- er. timber, or the lack thereof, is anoth- er key component of reservoir type. Whether a reservoir was clear-cut prior to impoundment plays a huge role. for example, famed Missouri/ arkansas border impoundments Bull shoals and table Rock lake are known for acres of deep-water standing timber – and the excellent fishing they offer. lesser-known norfork lake is on the north fork River not far from Bull shoals. in all other respects, except for size, it is a similar reservoir to Bull shoals and table Rock. however, norfork was clear-cut prior to flooding, and as such contains significantly less deep-water cover and is not consid- ered nearly as good a bass factory as Bulls shoals and table Rock. this doesn’t mean timber is essen- tial to bass fishing success in all places, but among similar reservoir types, the presence or absence of timber can certainly be a key factor in bass loca- tion and abundance. Generally, if a reservoir is devoid of timber, bass can be found around shal- low cover or in vegetation. reservoir use another important way to classify a reservoir is by its purpose, whether electrical generation or some other purpose, such as flood control, drink- ing water or irrigation. Bass and baitfish populations in power-generating reservoirs can be more dependent on current flow for Mesotrophic positioning than those in reservoirs where there is irregular or less consis- tent current flow. if you know a reservoir generates, dam operators usually publish genera- tion schedules online. periods of high flow often coincide with some of the best fishing. if it’s just a flood control dam, pay more attention to the recent rain condi- tions, as runoff is the only source of cur- rent. Keying in on even small sources of inflow can lead to more success. invasive Game-Changers introduce an invasive species into the reservoir equa- tion, and it can dramatically change the way the lake fishes. in several reservoirs of the carolinas, the introduction of blueback herring in the 1970s and 1980s created an almost unique type of reservoir, where the majority of the fishing effort in postspawn revolves around chasing bass gorging on the pelagic bluebacks. pay attention to the forage base in your local reservoir, and any bulletins provided by your state’s fisheries managers. if you’ve got bluebacks, rusty crayfish, eurasian water milfoil or any of a host of other inva- sives, you might want to consid- er how it will impact your fish- ing strategies. ■ Eutrophic Oligotrophic a clear-cut case? The trophic state of a reservoir determines its productivity and ability to support biomass. january 2018 I 19