Bass Fishing Jan 2018 | Page 5

T E V I H E N R U D E ® E - T E C ® P PERFE C CT NO V . 1, 2017 10 0 APR. 30, 2018 SALES EVENT * 10-Y YEAR R CO VERA A GE UP T O A $7 7,500 ,500 RET AIL V AL UE PER ENGI NE OFFER V ALID IN USA ONL LY Y ** ©2017 BRP US Inc. (BRP) ). All rights r eserv ed. ®,™ and the BRP logo ar e tr ade emark s o f Bombar dier Recr eational Pr oducts Inc. or its a ffiliates. Off er v alid only to qualified buy er s on pur p chases o f engines bought f or r ecr eational use only . Ex clu udes engines pur chased under commer cial, pr o f essio nal, and go v ernment pr ogr ams. Off er is v alid in the USA A only on ne w and unused E vinrude E - TE C engines pur r chased, deliv er ed and r egister ed betw een 11/1/17 and 4/30/ /18 at an authoriz ed, participating E vinrude dealer . *10 0- YEAR CO VERA GE: Subject to all e x clusions, limitations ons o f liabilities, and all other terms and conditions o f BRP’ s standar d limited w arr anty and B.E.S. T . contr act, inclu ding without limitation the e x clusions o f damages cau used b y abuse, abnormal use or neglect (see B.E.S. T . contr c act f or specific details o f co v er age and e x clusion ns). Off er e ff ectiv e on all ne w and unused 15 H.O. and abo v e E vinrude E - TE C outboar d engines. Eligible models wil l r eceiv e 10- y ear co v er age (3 y ear s o f BRP Limited W arr anty and 7 y ear s o f BRP Extended Service T erms [B.E.S. T .] co v er age) subject to a $50 deductible on each r epair . Bene fit o ff er ed to Florida r es idents is a 10- y ear BRP Limited W arr anty . E vinrude Jet Series engines ar e eligible f or 10- y ear co v er age o ff er on the upper unit only . The jet pump assembly will only r eceiv e a 3- y ear BRP limited w arr anty . All rigging components pur chased on the same bill o f sale as the engine, will be co v er ed under the same BRP Extended Service T erms as the engine. ** Appr o ximate r etail v alue o f 7 y ear s BRP Extended Service T erms co v er age is based on number o f HP and is up to 7 7,500 ,500 USD f or a 300 HP engine. Off er subject to change without notice. See y our authoriz ed, qualified E vinrude dealer f or details. T erms and conditions apply . Off er ma y not be assigned, tr aded, sold or combined with an y other o ff er unless e xpr essly stated her ein. OFFER V OID WHERE RES TRICTED OR O THERWISE PROHIBITED B Y LA W .