Bass Fishing Jan 2017 | Page 53

weLCoMe T-H Marine In october 2016, FlW agreed to a partnership with t-h Marine to make the Alabama-based boating accessories manufacturer the presenting sponsor of the Bass Fishing league. FlW is proud to welcome t-h Marine to its most popular tournament circuit of all time. how Super tournaments Work: entry fees and payouts are increased for these regular-season finale events – one in each divi- sion. the entire field fish- es on day one, with the top 20 percent continuing on day two. how the Wild Card Works: AOY and COY Anyone who enters all five tournaments in a division, fishes at least two, but fails to make a Regional can fish the Wild Card. It’s a two-day tour- nament with the full field fishing both days. the no- entry-fee event pays out no prize money, but award s All-American slots to the top six boaters and co-anglers. The Angler of the Year and Co-angler of the Year from each division earn $1,000 and $500, respectively. POTENTIAL WINNING PRIZES ONE-DAY qUALIFIERS* Boater: $8,000 and Regional qualification Co-angler: $3,000 and Regional qualification TWO-DAY SUPER TOURNAMENTS* Boater: $11,000 and Regional qualification Co-angler: $4,500 and Regional qualification $ REGIONALS** Boater: $20,000 and Ranger z518C with 200-hp outboard Co-angler: Ranger z518C with 200-hp outboard ALL-AMERICAN Boater: $120,000 and Forrest Wood Cup berth Co-angler: $60,000 *Qualifying event top prizes based on field size and Ranger Cup contingency eligibility. Payouts extend to the top 20 percent of the finishers. **Winning prizes guaranteed at Regionals. JANUARY 2017 I FLWFISHING.COM how Regionals Work: the top anglers from the 24 BFl divisions are grouped together into four-division Regionals for three-day, no-entry- fee tournaments. everyone fishes days one and two, with the top 12 advancing to the third day. how the All-American Works: the top six finishers at the Regionals and the Wild Card, plus seven from the tBF, compete in the three-day, no-entry- fee championship. everyone fishes days one and two, with the top 10 advancing to the third day. the winner makes the Forrest Wood Cup. 49