Bass Fishing Jan 2017 | Page 52

T-H MARINE bASS FISHING LEAGUE the t-h Marine Bass Fishing league will again include 24 divisions spread out across the country, with a series of qualifying steps that leads to the All-American championship and a shot at the Forrest Wood Cup. the postseason schedule is listed here. to view the entire 2017 BFl schedule, visit, or check out the December 2016 issue of FLW Bass Fishing magazine. SCHEDULE reGionaL Jeremy Lawyer launched his FLW Tour career by winning the 2016 All-American. You’re never out of the running to make the All-American with the all-new “Win and You’re In” format of the T-H Marine Bass Fishing League. If you win a regular-season qualifying event as a boater or co-angler, no matter where you stand in the season-long rankings, you automatically qualify for that divi- sion’s Regional and the chance to make the All-American. The only stipulation is that you have to have entered all five events in a division and fished at least two to earn the Regional slot. The remainder of the Regional field is comprised of the top 45 boaters and co-anglers from each division’s point standings. Regional competition is divided up into six events. 48 KenTUCKY LaKe GIlBeRtSvIlle, ky. Divisions: Hoosier, Illini, Mountain, Ozark OCT. 5-7 Barren river SCottSvIlle, ky. OCT. 12-14 DeCAtUR, AlA. OCT. 12-14 WIllIAMSBURG, vA. OCT. 12-14 BoSSIeR CIty, lA. OCT. 19-21 GAINeSvIlle, GA. OCT. 19-21 Divisions: Buckeye, Great Lakes, LBL, Michigan wHeeLer LaKe Divisions: Bama, Bulldog, Choo Choo, Music City CHiCKaHoMinY river Divisions: North Carolina, Northeast, Piedmont, Volunteer reD river Divisions: Arkie, Cowboy, Mississippi, Okie LaKe Lanier Divisions: Gator, Savannah River, Shenandoah, South Carolina wiLD CarD aLL-aMeriCan tBD OCT. 27-28 PICkWICk lAke, FloReNCe, AlA. MAY 31-JUNE 3 120: TOTAL NUMBER OF QUALIFYING EVENTS ACROSS 24 BFL DIVISIONS win anD YoU’re in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pickwick Lake FLWFISHING.COM I JANUARY 2017