Bass Fishing Feb - Mar 2022 | Page 35

inexpensive Shimano reels and I happily caught fish . The first “ technique-specific ” rod I purchased was a swimbait rod . When it made a tangible difference and I started landing more fish because of it , my course was set . It didn ’ t take long for me to decide I needed a dedicated flipping stick . After that , it was a crankbait rod , followed by a jig rod . Some niches were filled immediately ; others continued to be a thorn in my side , taking years to find the right rod for the job .
What followed was a journey that was predicated on experience . Experiencing new gear and how it ’ s best used . Experimenting with new techniques based on the available gear and figuring out what works and what doesn ’ t . Through it all , I became ( and am becoming every day ) a better angler , thanks in no small part to my tackle obsession . The more I buy , the more I want to use it to be a better angler .
When this journey began , Tactical Bassin started to grow real momentum . Tim Little and I had already been fishing together for years , but it was when we agreed to formally become partners in Tactical Bassin that everything took off . Now , instead of one budding gear head , there were two , and there was a growing audience of real anglers along for the ride .
Somewhere along the way , we took the deep dive into high-end tackle . For me , it was when I got my hands on a Shimano Metanium that everything changed . From that single reel came a whole new world . In a few spins of the handle , it was clear that I would never be the same . High-end tackle brought new excitement , incredible levels of refinement and a boost to the gear-buying habit I never expected .
Soon , my closet wasn ’ t organized by style ; it was organized by color . “ Free ” Tackle Warehouse shirts ( if you spent $ 150 or more ) reached from one end to the other in every color of the rainbow as I dove deeper and deeper into this tackle adventure . I went from one rod rack to two to too many . And at the same time , I was beginning my deep dive ( or spiral ) into baits and lures , line and storage – you name it .
From my wallet ’ s perspective , this was a downward spiral of epic proportions . But for the angling community , something very special was happening .
Tim ’ s and my unique affinities for tackle began to create a database of real-world tackle information . Suddenly , anglers had a reference point by which to compare baits , rods and reels . We had become tackle fanatics like so many before us ; the only difference was we ’ d been blessed with a platform and an audience that could benefit from our pursuits .
we ’ re here for you !
During this time , Tactical Bassin locked onto a new schedule , creating three videos per week ( Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays ) and haven ’ t missed a video since . We continue to share videos about our fishing adventures , techniques , seasonal patterns , and of course , tackle and gear reviews . If you ’ re not taking advantage of these videos , you ’ re missing out on a chance to benefit from the time and money someone else spent to find out what ’ s really the best gear for you . Our content can be found in these pages , on most social platforms , our website and on YouTube .
Our journeys are far from over . The weight of this tackle obsession weighs heavy , but like I said , we fall freely on that sword for the good of the fishing community .
The garages may have to get bigger and the boats may go slower , but we ’ re just getting started . There ’ s a whole ever-expanding world of tackle just waiting for some dedicated gear heads to root through and discover the diamonds in the rough . From high-end to budget , from JDM to custom , the mission is clear .
My name is Matt , and I ’ m a tackle addict .