ODWC revised state regulations in the fall of 2021 , as research showed Oklahoma largemouth populations were experiencing stunting below the 14-inch harvest limit and that 80 percent of the fish in the state were below 16 inches . The ODWC ’ s proposed changes were to allow six fish per day at a 16-inch maximum harvest limit . This would allow anglers to keep fish below 16 inches , but they must release all fish above 16 inches except one per day .
Long-term , this should result in more fish bigger than 16 inches while still allowing for some harvest . The ODWC is allowing for tournaments that compete with a live weigh-in to apply for an exemption to the bag limit , as many fish weighed will be released . ODWC conducted a statewide survey of licensed anglers in 2019 and found that 69 percent of anglers released every bass caught regardless of size .
The ODWC ’ s first attempts to introduce Florida-strain largemouth genetics into the reservoir began in 1974 with 11,000 fry . They attempted again in 1975 , using 1,500 1 1 / 2-inch fingerlings . From 1981 through 1995 , an additional 389,418 Florida-strain largemouth were stocked into Grand ranging from 1 1 / 2 inches to 6 1 / 2 inches .
In the early 2000s , Grand was hit very hard by Largemouth Bass Virus , with around one-third of all largemouth testing positive for the virus at that time . The lake recovered by 2021 , and a new record largemouth bass weighing 10.86 pounds was caught . That record was smashed a year later when a 12.30-pound fish was caught .
Although the success of Florida genetic fingerlings has been varied , ODWC continues to try to improve the lake ’ s genetics , and in 2020 stocked a total of 950 mature Florida-strain largemouth . The survival of these fish should be much higher than the expected survival of fry or fingerling fish stocked in the past .
Managing the habitat
Habitat in Grand is generally limited to the shoreline and includes mainly man-made structures such as riprap and boat
Josh Bertrand shows off a Grand Lake chunk .
docks . There are also brush piles and areas where artificial fish structures have been placed by ODWC . In 2020 , the agency installed a total of 240 MossBack fish structures in 11 locations between the mouth of Honey Creek to the Highway 59 bridge . Brush piles were created in 21 locations in 2018 and 2019 using hardwoods and cedars , and 100 spider blocks were installed in 2016 in two locations .
You can find the Fish Attractor Map on the ODWC website as well as download GPS locations for all their habitat projects for the entire state .
Aquatic vegetation is not exactly abundant on the lake , but it ’ s not for lack of trying .
A large-scale research project was conducted from 2004 to 2006 in partnership with ODWC , Oklahoma Water Resources Board , Lewisville Aquatic Ecosystems Research Facility and GRDA to attempt to learn the feasibility of establishing various plant species in Grand Lake . Researchers planted various aquatic plants in 10 locations on four arms of the lake – each area included exclusion fences to minimize the consumption of the plants by herbivores . In total , 12 surface acres of the lake were planted . The most successful species were bulltongue , softstem bulrush , American pondweed and Illinois pondweed . Each of these species had substantial growth beyond the cages and showed signs of reproduction or establishment beyond the cage population . River bulrush , wild celery , water stargrass , arrowhead and coontail established but did not consistently expand outside of their cages . Water willow , pickerelweed , white water lily , American lotus , sago pondweed and spatterdock all were considered less than successful and showed no establishment outside of their cages .
The two biggest hurdles to establishing aquatic vegetation on Grand appear to be water fluctuation and herbivory .
To learn more about each site and the results visit https :// www . owrb . ok . gov / studies / reports / reports _ pdf / Gran dLakeRevegProject2007 . pdf
Exotic species threats
Grand Lake has a varied past of potential exotic species introductions , but rarely have those threats matured to an established level . Adult zebra mussels have been found on two occasions : once in 2005 and again in 2006 . Since that time , ODWC has not found any other signs of zebra mussels establishing a population . Adult bighead carp were found in the Grand Lake as far back as 2008 , but beyond this sighting , ODWC has been unable to locate an established population .
As with all the Bass Pro Tour stops , the MLF Fisheries Management Department ( FMD ) will be collecting all the angler SCORETRACKER ® data and providing it to Northeast Oklahoma ODWC biologist Brad Johnston . Specifically , we will be monitoring where and at what ratio spotted and smallmouth bass are caught compared to largemouth . We will also be collecting DNA mouth swabs from any largemouth over 7 pounds caught during the event to enter into our Lunker DNA Initiative program .
Understanding how successful Florida genetics are integrating into the population of Grand Lake will be very beneficial to both the ODWC and MLF for future fish stocking programs .