Bass Fishing Feb - Mar 2021 | Page 34

redcrest 2021
North or South ?
Generally speaking , the northern end of Palestine is the most productive section of the lake in the early months of the year . It heats up quicker and has myriad backwaters to probe , which is especially helpful for prespawn fishing . Still , recent years have shown that quantity and quality can be had from north to south and everywhere in between .
Timber !
The northern end of Palestine is littered with stereotypical east Texas standing timber that can make navigation downright treacherous . Running areas with standing timber can be nerveracking , but there are some big rewards to be had , too . Those areas are goldmines for big Texas largemouth .
Deep-Water Docks
Shooting docks for crappie is fairly popular on Palestine . Likewise , running docks for big bass can be ultra-productive all year long , especially if they ’ re relatively close to some deep water . As big females start to move up , it ’ s not uncommon for them to pause their migration to feed and rest up next to dock pilings and other man-made structure .
Sunken Treasure
While Palestine isn ’ t known for its offshore bite – and the pre-spawn shallow bite will likely do the lion ’ s share of the heavy lifting during REDCREST – there are plenty of brush piles throughout the lake that could offer something just a little different for pros looking for a secondary pattern that isn ’ t predicated on beating the bank .
The Highway 155 bridge separates the northern end of Palestine from the less riverine southern portion . While the northern section typically sports more grass , the southern end isn ’ t without some productive shallow water – namely , Saline Creek , County Line Creek , Chimney Cove and Cobb Inlet , among others .
saline bay
Green Like Money
Palestine really does offer a little something for everyone . In addition to brush piles , docks , standing timber and 135 miles of tantalizing shoreline , there ’ s also an abundance of vegetation throughout the lake , especially at the far northern end .