Bass Fishing Feb - Mar 2021 | Page 82


PHRASE NO . 5 “ we got on the pattern late .”

This is a common line spoken by unsuccessful tournament anglers who show up to the weigh-in just to see how miserably they failed . By “ got on the pattern ,” they mean they saw the tournament winners catching fish . By “ late ” they mean they saw them on their way back to the ramp to put their boat on the trailer . That ’ s when they passed the winners , still whacking ‘ em not far from the launch .
You can count on these guys to be on that spot at the next derby . Fortunately , the bass will have relocated by then , and these anglers will still be “ just about ” to get on the right pattern .

PHRASE NO . 3 “ my best fish went a little less than 8 pounds .”

Anytime someone describes their catch as “ a little less than …,” it means “ a lot less than ….” A fish that was “ a little less than 8 pounds ” is likely also less than 4 pounds and maybe even less than 2 pounds . In extreme circumstances , it might not even be a legal , scoreable bass .
And don ’ t be fooled by terms like “ good one ,” “ huge ” or “ giant .” These terms are relative to the number and size of the fish caught that day as well as the angler ’ s grip on reality . For several years I had a tournament partner who would yell , “ It ’ s a big one ! Get the net !” before he even set the hook or felt the weight of the fish .
Bass anglers can be wildly optimistic . It ’ s part of our charm .

PHRASE NO . 6 “ i lost a good one that would have made a big difference .”

If you ’ ve ever fished a tournament or even attended a weigh-in , you ’ ve heard this one … many times . It ’ s actually the introduction to the story of how they lost the fish — through no fault of their own , of course .
Next , they ’ re going to tell you that the fish zigged when any normal bass would have zagged , that their co-angler or partner knocked it off with the net , that the fish surged at the last second and pulled free or that a split ring mysteriously broke , allowing the fish to get away . No operator error here . In bass fishing , there almost never is .

PHRASE NO . 4 “ we ’ re just out fun fishing .”

The anglers who tell you this are definitely entered in a tournament and have yet to catch a keeper . That they can say this with a straight face while wearing tournament jerseys and making 15 casts a minute is evidence of just how audacious bass anglers can be .
Do not argue with these guys . They ’ re probably in such a state of denial that they believe tournament fishing is “ relaxing .” If they start talking about “ getting back to nature ” while staring at their $ 10,000 sonar unit , ease away slowly .