Bass Fishing Feb - Mar 2020 | Page 4

TABLE OF CONTENTS FEBRUARY-MARCH 2020 | VOLUME 19 | ISSUE 2 32 44 FEATURES DIGGING DITCHES 32 HOW TWO TOP PROS BREAK DOWN THESE VAGUE YET IMPORTANT STRUCTURES — Sean Ostruszka GETTING TO KNOW LOWRANCE LIVESIGHT 38 44 OKLAHOMA PRO OVERCAME INCREDIBLE CHALLENGES – ON AND OFF THE WATER – DURING CAREER YEAR IN 2019 — Joel Shangle SOUTHERN-FRIED BEDDING BRONZE WHERE TO LOOK WHEN SOUTHERN SMALLMOUTHS HEAD TO SPAWN — Sean Ostruszka FIRST CAST — Curtis Niedermier FISHING EXPOSED SOLUNAR TABLES SCREEN TIME THE FRONT PAGE — Edited by Justin Onslow 53 4 6 10 12 14 COLUMNS NEWELL’S NOTES — Rob Newell BALOG ON BASS FISHING — Joe Balog CONSERVATION — TJ Maglio TACTICAL BASSIN — Matt Allen and Tim Little HOW TO SET UP AND GET THE MOST OUT OF THE ELECTRONICS GIANT’S FORWARD-LOOKING, REAL-TIME SONAR — Tyler Brinks EVERS’ GREATEST ACT UP FRONT 20 22 24 28 THE JUICE MAKING A CASE FOR SPECIALTY RODS — Justin Onslow DUDLEY, THRIFT: NEW BEGINNINGS ON FAMILIAR WATERS — Joel Shangle REVIEW: PLANO EDGE TERMINAL BOX — Matt Williams GEARING UP: NEW PRODUCTS FOR ANGLERS Q&A: COLE FLOYD — Sean Ostruszka THE BASS FEDERATION UPDATES THE LAST CAST — Justin Onslow 60 64 66 68 72 76 80 ON THE COVER: JOSH DOUGLAS — PHOTO BY ROB MATSUURA We reserve the right to refuse any material we feel is not in the best interest of MLFLW, LLC, (DBA“FLW”) and its members/subscribers. The items advertised herein are warranted by the advertiser. Bass Fishing is published six times per year by FLW, 30 Gamble Lane, Benton, KY 42025, 270.252.1000. Kathy Fennel, Executive Vice President and General Manager of FLW. Copyright 2020 by FLW. All rights reserved. None of the content of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Advertising rates available on request. We welcome manuscripts but will not be held responsible for loss of manuscripts, photos or other materials. All manuscripts should include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Bass Fishing (ISSN 1543-6179) is published six times a year (February/March, April/May, June/July, August/September, October/November, December/January) by FLW, 30 Gamble Lane, Benton, KY 42025. Periodicals Postage Paid at Benton, KY, and at additional mailing office. Rates: one year (6 issues) $25.00; two years (12 issues) $50.00; three years (18 issues) $75.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bass Fishing, 30 Gamble Lane, Benton, KY 42025. For questions regarding your subscription call 270.252.1000 Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT. Printed in the U.S.A. 2 FLWFISHING.COM | MAJORLEAGUEFISHING.COM | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2020