By Matt Williams
anaging terminal
tackle can be a
frustrating exercise
in patience without the right
system to keep stuff organ-
ized and prevent hardware
from going places it doesn’t
belong. It can be costly, too,
particularly if a box leaches
water and the moisture
trapped inside corrodes a
bunch of tackle. Plano’s new
EDGE Terminal box is
designed to keep all of your
terminal components tidy
while providing advanced
levels of moisture protection
and easy access.
First Impression
It’s obvious plenty of
thought went into the design
because it addresses all of
the key aspects of terminal
tackle storage: durability,
organization, convenience,
functionality, protection and
moisture control.
I won’t call it indestructi-
ble, but the box is made to
take some licks and provide
years of use with marginal
care. The clear lid and
Rustrictor-infused base,
which has a chemical ele-
ment in the plastic to help
prevent rust, are fashioned
from heavy-duty plastic with
a series of cross ribs and
reinforced edges to enhance
rigidity. The lid and the one-
handed latch pivot on stain-
less-steel pins for trouble-
free operation. Five interior
slots are fitted with 16
removable compartments:
three padded weight boxes
to securely hold tungsten or
lead, and 13 boxes (in three
sizes) with clear, snap-shut
lids. Four of the latter are
equipped with recessed
dividers to prevent parts
from slipping underneath.
Each compartment has fin-
ger slots for easy removal.
Plano throws in four more
dividers that are ventilated
for airflow, along with a
reusable Water Wick bag
housed in a ventilated
plastic box.
In Action
If it’s terminal and
you can’t find a spot for
it here you probably
don’t need it for a day
on the water. I loaded
the box with weights
and hooks of various styles
and sizes, swivels, bobber
stops, wobble heads, O-
rings, beads, shaky heads
and screw locks and still had
room for more. All of the
space is nice, but even
sweeter is how efficient the
system is at preventing tiny
parts from swapping com-
partments – even when the
box is bounced, flipped or
turned upside down.
Getting in and out of the
Edge might seem a little
awkward at first because of
the unique latch design, but
once you learn the process,
one-handed operation is a
breeze. When locked down,
the latch cinches the lid snug
against the O-ring to create
a watertight seal. To quick-
test the seal, I placed the box
under a shower of water for
30 minutes. Not one drop
found its way in.
Final Thoughts
Boaters and co-anglers
will appreciate the organiza-
tional and functional features
of this box. It provides gobs of
room and keeps stuff tidy, but
allows easy access without
taking up much space. It’s
also the perfect fit for Plano’s
3700-size Guide Series Tackle
Bags, or for most bass boat
storage lockers.