Bass Fishing Feb - Mar 2020 | Page 30

COLUMN: TACTICAL BASSIN now’s the time to get in front of big prespawn bass e’ve all been told that if you put in enough time on the water, you’ll eventually catch a big bass. But what if there was a faster way to catch that “fish of a lifetime?” Well, there is. There are simple adjustments you can make that will start putting big- ger bass in the boat, and this is the best time of year to start. February and March usher in the most extreme shift in bass behavior we see all year. Fish that were lethargically waiting for the end of winter on offshore structure are swim- ming toward the bank even as you read this. If you shift your mindset from “just going fish- ing” to “hunting for big bass,” this is a great time to get results. W ABOUT THE AUTHORS A fishing guide and conservation officer, respectively, Matt Allen and Tim Little are well-known big- bass experts who own Tactical Bassin, a website and social media channels dedi- cated to educating the public about bass fishing. 28 Bass start traveling toward their spawning grounds much earlier than we realize. As water temperatures around the coun- try creep into the 50s, the pres- pawn period begins and bass start moving. During this peri- od, the bass have two main drives: 1) to reach spawning areas quickly, and 2) to eat as much as possible along the way. This extreme change from basic survival to voracious pres- pawn feeding gives you an opportunity to hook a huge bass at its peak weight. How are you going to do it? You’re going to get ahead of the bass this year. Don’t be the guy who finds out about the pattern after it’s over. Go to the lake now, and let the bass come to you. Highland Reservoirs Bass in highland reservoirs hunker down on outside struc- ture all winter. The bigger fish you’re pursuing likely spent their winter on the ends of long tapering points and flats, using chunk rock and sheer edges to ambush prey. By this point in the year, these fish have already begun to travel back up the creek arms toward their spawn- ing grounds. While traveling, they stop on secondary points in search of an easy meal. As an angler, your first goal should be to catch any bass that will bite, because catching any bass, male or female, will give you clues about the where- abouts of the largest fish. Normally, the males move up FLWFISHING.COM | MAJORLEAGUEFISHING.COM | FEBRUARY-MARCH 2020