The bait is made using
super-stretchy material
that resists tearing.
Its meaty midsection features
a deep hook slot for good
penetration with eWG hooks.
The boot feet catch water and
create a deep, gurgling sound
on the retrieve.
Performance Advice
One of the main keys to optimum performance is
pairing the frog with the right hook. I threw it with a
number of single and double hooks with a variety of
keeper styles, and the best overall was a single
Owner 5/0 eWG.
Wire and prong-style keepers did a decent job of
holding the frog in place, but they eventually pulled
out. The material doesn’t accept a traditional spring
very well, either. springs equipped with a centering
pin like those used on Owner’s Double Toad Hook
are a much better choice.
No matter which single hook you choose, it’s a
good idea to skin-hook the point to prevent snagging
on vegetation should the bait land upside down in
the slop or not right itself for some reason.
also, don’t store the Frog in direct contact with other
soft plastics. I did so on purpose to see what would
happen, and as suspected a soft-plastic worm melted
an imprint into the Frog’s back after a few days.
+ Floats when idle
+ Extremely tough material
+ Works with multiple retrieves
+ Large profile
+ Casts well
– Limited hook choices
– Pricey, though they last awhile
• It works well around all sorts of flooded vegetation,
bushes, docks and over open-water grass flats.
• The bait skips easily under overhanging trees or docks
and stays on the hook thanks to the durable material.
• It casts well enough and can be fished fast enough to
be a great search bait in shallow water.
A torn nose doesn’t render the Zoom Frog useless.
Rather than toss a spent bait in the trash, I trimmed off
the damaged portion and gave it a popper-style head.
Then I could fish it with short twitches just like a pop-
ping frog.
I experimented with knives and razor blades, but
sharp scissors provided the most uniform cut. The
best results were achieved by gripping the head
around both eyes, squeezing firmly to make the nose
protrude and then making the cut. The cut should be
made swiftly at a downward angle to give the frog a
slight overbite and create a small cup.