SCENARIOS By Sean Ostruszka
When other prespawn and spawn patterns fade out , JT Kenney falls back to hard-bottom shell beds to find staging bass .
” is a fairly nebulous term when applied to bass fishing in the state of Florida . Depending on the weather , you might be able to find a prespawn pattern in January and in June of the same year .
JT Kenney will tell you that this prolonged will-they-spawn , won ’ t-theyspawn ? game comprises one of the biggest hang-ups for out-of-town anglers who aren ’ t used to the unusual ways of Florida-strain bass . Fortunately for him , the Florida pro has figured out something that lends itself not only to consistent results during this wishywashy period , but also to some giant bags , as his 27-pound , 3-ounce limit the last day of the 2017 FLW Tour event on the Harris Chain illustrated .
The pattern ? Targeting bass relating to hard-bottom areas created by offshore mussel shell beds , which attract crawfish , baitfish and other forage species that bass eat .
“ People always think of grass when it comes to Florida , because we go to lakes like Okeechobee and Toho ,” says Kenney . “ But there ’ s a lot of good fishing offshore for guys that know .”
shelling out
First off , when Kenney says “ offshore ,” don ’ t imagine he ’ s fishing ledges in 15 to 20 feet of water or randomly out in the middle of the lake . Kenney ’ s best offshore shell beds tend to be in 4 to 7 feet of water , situated in areas with one key component .
“ Current ,” says Kenney . “ Mussels are filtration feeders , and they can ’ t move . So they need current to eat . You ’ re not going to find them in the backs of pockets or anything .”
Current is usually wind-driven in Florida ( though some systems connected by canals and rivers have actual flow ). Since wind is unpredictable , however , mussels tend to colonize in places where any current is enhanced ; namely , the mouths of canals or atop humps . The canals are the easiest places to search , according to Kenney , who often finds shell beds within 100 yards of the mouth of a canal , right along the channel edges . The humps can be much harder to find , so Kenney looks for any area with a nearby drop . Since most Florida lakes are bowl-shaped , a drop of even a foot or two elevates a hump enough to position a mussel where it should be able to catch the current it needs to feed and survive .
When to go deep
Since prespawn often overlaps the actual spawn , most anglers depend on bed-fishing as opposed to focusing on prespawn tactics in a tournament scenario due to the lure of visibly seeing fish being too strong for many to resist . And even if they do find a prespawn pattern , they ’ ll usually opt for one that involves fishing vegetation .
Kenney will do the same , but what usually keys him on to the shell-bed bite is when he ’ s seeing a lack of quality bass on the beds .
“ If I ’ m seeing a ton of males on the beds for a few days in a row , but no big
24 flWfIshIng . Com I feBruary-marCh 2018