some reason the big ones come to the bank first, and they’re not
real smart when they get there. – Andy Morgan
It’s that time of year when the biggest limits are possible. And
I don’t need to finesse them or beg them to bite. I can fish obvious
baits in the most obvious locations, and they’re ready to bite.
Now, that’s when it’s fun. – Bryan Thrift
In Florida we call them ‘waves’ when the fish come in, and the
first one or two waves of fish always have the biggest, meanest
and easiest ones to catch. – JT Kenney
The reset button has been pressed, lure memory has
been cleared, the coffee has not yet been made, stomachs
are empty and the big ones are headed shallow – now is the
time to get a bait between you and them.
What’s more, there is no need to scale down in line size
yet. Straight braided line or 20-pound-test fluorocarbon will
not bother them.
The best places are the obvious ones. Now is the time to
get the low-hanging fruit off the community holes. Find the
spawning areas, and start out in the deeper waters “in front”
of those bays or pockets. Work into the entrances or open-
ings, and fish the first major points or breaks leading into
those spawning areas. Throw at even the most obvious cover.
If you don’t believe in the reset button, here are a few
comments from FLW’s best pros about this rare time of year.
Sometime about the third week of February here in Tennessee,
the fish make that first move out of their winter slumber. For
February-MarCH 2018 I FLWFISHING.COM