“ The ChatterBait vibrates like a [ lipless crankbait ] and hunts like a squarebill ,” he explains . “ It ’ s got a profile like a swimbait , especially with the trailers I use , and it fishes in weeds better than any other reaction bait . It also skips like a rock .
“ I learned quickly that a bladed jig allows me to get a reaction bait in places where no one else does , and it simply catches a bigger grade of fish ”
He was sold .
It Fits the Profile
Hite was one of the first to bring swimbait realism to the game . After trying several other swimbait trailer options on the market , he helped design the Yamamoto Zako , specifically for use with bladed jigs and , more specifically , his favorite ChatterBaits .
“ It ’ s a big profile ; it looks like a bluegill or a shiner ,” Hite explains . “ One key is that the Zako folds up in the mouth of the fish , kind of accordion-style , because of the segments in the lure .”
According to Hite , that part is crucial to allow for maximum hook penetration .
It should be noted here that Hite has spent considerable time attacking the Achilles heel of fishing a bladed jig .
“ Early on , everybody lost fish on a ChatterBait because they thought it was a jig and they fished it with jig tackle ,” Hite opines . “ Really , it fishes like a crankbait , so I pair it with similar gear .”
The Right Rod for the Job
Hite ’ s ChatterBait rod of choice is a heavy-power fiberglass Combat Series rod by Evergreen International , measuring just over 7 feet in length .
“ It ’ s a combination of parabolic bend and power ” Hite says . “ It ’ s got a soft tip for fish that grab the lure at the boat and a rubber band feel for fish that hit and run at me .”
In that scenario , “ the rod loads up and doesn ’ t allow slack to develop in the line . There ’ s always tension in that rod .”
Hite ’ s line choice is also the result of treating the bait more like he would a crankbait . “ I use 20-pound Sunline fluorocarbon and never braid ,” he explains . “ If you use braid , there ’ s no stretch , and something has to give .”
The result , according to Hite , is frequently lost fish . With his system , however , Hite reports a 97 percent strike-to-land ratio . Through real-world testing , Hite also discovered the best method for hooking fish that hit his lure .
“ It ’ s best to use a side-sweep hookset ,” he says . “ Attempting to hook fish on a ChatterBait with an upward set is a recipe for failure . The blade hits the mouth of the fish .”
The Bait Continues to Evolve
Since its release in 2004 , the ChatterBait has indeed bolstered the tools at anglers ’ disposal . While early copycats flooded the market , today , Z-Man owns the lion ’ s share , thanks to a strict patent on the original design . Still , additional lures with slight tweaks to design continue to expand the marketplace , exemplifying the need for bladed swim jigs to be a category all their own .
Through further innovation , Z-Man has expanded its ChatterBait lineup to include baits up to and over an ounce in weight , weedless versions , wobble-head styles , and those with pro modifications made by Hite himself .
Foremost in this category is the Jack Hammer , the product of a partnership between Z-Man and Evergreen International . Hite was a primary developer and tester of the Jack Hammer and demanded a lure with the utmost attention to detail . Modifications from the original ChatterBait include a slightly different blade to tweak vibration , a hand-tied skirt and a new Gamakatsu hook . Hite ’ s intimate relationship with bladed jigs was paramount in the design .
“ I knew what the bait needed to do to make it better ,” he states plainly .
Hite ’ s latest input helped launch the Jack Hammer Stealth Blade , a lure featuring a clear , polycarbonate blade . The result is a lure with less flash and a tighter , more subdued wobble , intended for tough fisheries or high-pressure conditions . Hite also believes the Stealth Blade will be a smallmouth killer .
Frequently inhabiting clear waters with high fishing pressure , smallmouth are notorious for being picky , and forcing finesse techniques . However , when savvy anglers ignite a school of smallies using power fishing techniques , the results are often stellar . The Stealth Blade may prove to be crucial in these situations .
More Ahead on the ChatterBait Frontier ?
With a full lineup of bladed jigs to choose from , Hite continues to expand the technique to non-traditional scenarios . Fishing deep ledges immediately comes to mind , where an unorthodox retrieve that Hite refers to as “ pulling the bait sideways ” is yielding big results .
A trip to Lake St . Clair also opened Hite ’ s eyes to further ChatterBait potential . There , big smallmouth cruising deep grass flats were suckers for a swift moving bait . The result was a 20-pound bag in mere minutes .
The ChatterBait has proven to be more than a trend – it ’ s a staple . Thanks to Hite , we ’ re learning more about this unique tool each day , and all benefiting from the results . The bladed jig category is now a tool in every bass angler ’ s belt .
Additional insight by Hite and others will continue to advance the technique , much the way it has with all other staple baits . Opportunities for expansion are endless . As more anglers reach for a ChatterBait more often , we ’ re learning more about the appeal of this strange lure , how bass react to it , and how we just can ’ t live without it .