Bass Fishing Dec 2019 - Jan 2020 | Page 49

1. BerKLeY pOWerBAIT THe deAL Berkley’s the deal (available in 3 1/2- and 4 1/2- inch sizes) turns the concept of a vibrating jig (or swim jig) trailer on its side. Literally, the flap- ping tails are rotated 90 degrees from what’s standard and paired with a meaty shad body. $4.99 for eight | 6 2. SHIMANO SLX dC shimano crushed it with the original sLX bait- casting reel and now has the digital control – sort of like “smart braking” – version to go with it. an internal microprocessor helps maximize casting distance while preventing backlashes. it’s a 4+1 bearing reel that weighs 7.6 ounces. right- and left-handed configurations come with 6.3:1, 7.2:1 or 8.2:1 retrieve ratios. $189.99 | 3. reACTION INNOvATIONS SpICY BeAver the legs of the spicy Beaver flutter hard without flailing out to the side, for max action but a tighter profile – perfect on a swim jig or punch rig snaking through the grass. it’s also a great choice on a wobble-head jig or carolina rig. a hunk of extra plastic under the nose extends the life of the bait and helps hold it on the hook. $4.99 for six | 4. FISH MONKeY prO 365 GUIde GLOve available in three colors and six sizes, the Pro 365 guide glove offers uPf 50+ sun protection, a solid grip and protection from the wear and tear of handling tackle, equipment and, hopeful- ly, fish for hours on end. the material dries quickly and is thin enough for good dexterity. $29.95 | 5. STOrM ArASHI GLIde 7 glide baits are red hot right now, and this one enters the market with big expectations. a slow- sinker, the arashi glide measures 7 1/2 inches long, making it a legit big-bass bait, but with some tournament applications, too. $37.99 | 6. BILL LeWIS SB-57 MdJ developed with Bill Lewis by pro Mark daniels Jr. (MdJ), the sB-57 is a 57mm (2 1/4 inches) square-bill with a not-quite-square circuit board lip. daniels wanted the corners rounded to help it deflect off cover and come through grass in just the way he likes it. thin walls enhance the liveliness of the action. $8.99 | 7. pLANO edGe WINTer 2020 I FLWFISHING.COM each box in Plano’s edge series is packed with features: a waterproof rubber gasket, rustrictor rust-stopping compound infused into the plas- tic, a clear heavy-duty lid, a stainless-steel hinge pin, a reusable tackle label and a one-handed latch. of the 10 new pieces, four are “general” models built standard, thin or deep, and six were designed for specific baits or tackle fami- lies, such as terminal tackle. $19.99 to $49.99 | 47