Bass Fishing Dec 2016 | Page 129

SUBSCRIBING HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER Now it’s even easier to sign up and receive a full year’s subscription (8 issues) to FLW Bass Fishing. Join the country’s most successful and avid anglers who enjoy all that FLW Bass Fishing has to offer. (continued from next page) anglers are fishing. They have a very firm idea of how they want to fish, almost to the point of being stubborn. Plus, they’re absolutely fierce com- petitors, especially when it comes to outdoor pursuits. They don’t like to lose to the critters they pursue. “To come in with just two or three fish when others have caught 20 pounds is something that just sticks in my craw,” says Morgan. “Not that I lost to another angler, but that I lost to the fish. They were biting somewhere and I missed it. I might not show it on the outside, but on the inside, it eats me up, and I’m betting Dudley and Wendlandt are the exact same way.” Wendlandt agrees. “We all want to be the best in the outdoors on any given day,” he says. “Whether we’re hunting or fishing, when we don’t figure that animal out on that particular day, it doesn’t sit real well with us at all.” Each member of this trio of veter- ans is an extreme self-starter, highly motivated by his own ambition. No one has to tell Morgan, Dudley or Wendlandt what time to get up, what time to put the boat in or what time to take out. They make their own hours, and 16-hour days pursuing fish or game is what they live for. “We’re all self-employed,” Morgan adds. “Fishing is our product. And we know what it takes to produce that product successfully. We have an obli- gation to ourselves and our families to perform and produce – or we go out of business.” In my experience watching them fish, the three-time AOYs never seem to be too jacked up or too dejected dur- ing a tournament. No matter if they caught 25 pounds a day in practice or never had a single bite, the emotions never show on game day. They know every day is different, and they have to roll with what’s happening in the here and now. Finally, they fish with no fear of failure. “That’s probably the strongest com- mon denominator in the three of us,” Wendlandt says. “I think a lot of times we wake up on tournament day and have no idea where or how we’re going to catch fish. But that doesn’t spin us out because deep down we know we’re going to catch them – some way, somehow. When they call that boat number, there is no fear of failure.” For quickest delivery, visit or call 270.252.1000 7KH6ZLPEDLW)LVKLQJ'9'7KDWEUHDNVDOOWKHUXOHV )LOPHGLQ*HRUJLD$UNDQVDVDQGWKH&DUROLQDV 9LHZWKH)LOP¶V7UDLOHU3LFWXUHV5HYLHZV SXUFKDVH VRXWKHUQWURXWHDWHUVFRP Please allow 4-8 weeks for delivery of first issue. DECEMBER 2016 I FLWFISHING.COM Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation required by an act of August 12, 1970: Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code. Publication Title: FLW Bass Fishing; Publication Number: 008-124; Filing Date: September 28, 2016; Issue Frequency: 8x/year – Feb., Mar., April, May, June/July, Aug./Sept., Oct./Nov., Dec. No. of issues Published Annually: 8; Annual Subscription Price: $25.00; Mailing Address of Publication: 30 Gamble Ln., Benton, KY 42025; Contact Person: Karen Haney, 270-252-1608; Mailing Address of Headquarters: 30 Gamble Ln., Benton, KY 42025; Publisher: FLW; Editor: Colin Moore; Owned and Managed by Irwin L. Jacobs, 8096 Excelsior Blvd., Hopkins, MN 55343. Extent and Nature of Circulation: (a) Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months; (b) Actual No. Copies of Single Issue (Aug/Sept 2015) Published Nearest to Filing Date. A.Total No. Copies Printed: (a.) 64,683, (b.) 38,165; B. Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 1. Outside-County Mail Subs: (a.) 40,578, (b.) 36,480; 2. In-County Subs: (a.) 0, (b.) 0; 3. Sales Through Dealers, etc.: (a.) 21,433, (b.) 0; 4. Other Classes Mailed: (a.) 0, (b.) 0; C. Total Paid Circulation: (a.) 62,011, (b.) 36,480; D. Free Distribution by Mail: 1. Outside County: (a.) 0, (b.) 0; 2. In-County: (a.) 0, (b.) 0; 3. Other Classes: (a.) 0, (b.) 0; 4. Free Distribution Outside Mail: (a.) 0, (b.) 0; E. Total Free Distribrution: (a.) 0, (b.) 0; F. Total Distribution: (a.) 62,011, (b.) 36,480; G. Copies Not Distributed: (a.) 2,672, (b.) 1,685; H. Total: (a.) 64,683, (b.) 38,165; I.Percent Paid and/or Request Circulation: (a.) 100%, (b.) 100%. 127