Bass Fishing Aug - Sept 2018 | Page 82

80 brandon m c mIllan FLW tour Jared m c mIllan FLW tour cody meyer FLW tour andy morgan FLW tour mIchael neal FLW tour James nIggemeyer FLW tour Jordan osborne FLW tour mark rose FLW tour braxton setZer FLW tour John soukup Costa FLW Series Jeff sprague FLW tour mattheW stefan FLW tour tyler steWart FLW tour larry stoafer Costa FLW Series bryan thrIft 2017 FLW tour Angler of the year andreW upshaW FLW tour Joseph Webster FLW tour clark Wendlandt FLW tour davId WIllIams FLW tour austIn WIlson the bass Federation I august-september 2018