60 in 60
he face of fishing is changing. It’s becoming more
diverse. Younger. Multicultural. And that is great con-
sidering that 45 percent of current anglers are 50 years
of age or older and will likely age out of the sport over the
next 25 years. Without a significant influx of new anglers
through proven recruitment activities, retention of existing anglers and reactivation of
lapsed anglers, a process known as R3, the sport we all love is headed for decline. But I’m
not worried. Not only will we avoid a decline that once seemed inevitable, we will grow par-
ticipation thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Recreational Boating and Fishing
Foundation and American Sportfishing Association working alongside state fish and wildlife
agencies, industry, and organizations like FLW and the nonprofit FLW Foundation. Together
we are on the cutting edge of an industry-wide effort called “60 in 60.”
The aim of 60 in 60 is to grow participation from the current 47.2 million U.S. anglers to
60 million anglers by the end of 2021. When successful, the effort will generate more than
$500 million for conservation through fishing license and tackle sales. Better conservation
means better fishing, and better fishing means more participation. It’s a model of sustain-
ability, and one that we wholeheartedly support. Fishing, after all, is a participation sport,
and nobody puts more people on the water fishing than FLW and the FLW Foundation.
We do this through Unified Fishing Derbies targeting multicultural families with children
ages 6 to 17. We do it through High School Fishing tournaments, summer camps and
grants to ac celerate the adoption of High School Fishing as a school-sanctioned activity. We
do it with a hierarchy of tournaments for college students, weekend anglers, aspiring pro-
fessionals and top professionals alike. We do it with the help of expert anglers known as
FLW Ambassadors who volunteer each year to kick off National Fishing and Boating Week
by sharing the joy of fishing with families and children at #ReelFun Fishing events in
Walmart stores nationwide. This year 735 FLW Ambassadors heeded the call to visit a
record 2,000 Walmart stores backed by support from RBFF, Wildlife Forever, Zip
Firestarters, Pringles and Jack Link’s. If you want to see the future of fishing, do a quick
search for #ReelFun on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Thank you is not enough to
express my sincere appreciation for our dedicated FLW Ambassadors and all that they do
to help improve the family fishing experience that is so critical in creating new anglers.
The 2017 Special Report on Fishing prepared by RBFF and the Outdoor Foundation
concluded that engaging potential anglers with meaningful fishing opportunities at an early
age is essential for success, as research shows that 83 percent of current anglers were
introduced to the sport during childhood. After age 12, a person is much less likely to try
fishing. If someone has not fished by age 18, it is nearly impossible to create a new angler.
For the current majority of anglers, a traditional pathway to fishing included introduction to
the sport by a family member or relative. That pathway is in serious decline, however, for a
variety of socioeconomic reasons, which is why FLW and the FLW Foundation have redou-
bled efforts to create new mentoring relationships that introduce children to fishing and
provide ongoing opportunities for positive fishing experiences.
Our latest endeavor is the FLW Kids Club website, FLWKidsClub.com, where elementary
and middle school children and their parents can learn from FLW Foundation pro Cody
Kelley and Boy Scouts of America pro Tom Redington, among others. It’s designed as a des-
tination for online mentoring to ensure that young anglers and their caregivers always have
someone they can turn to for advice and information on fishing activities close to home.
We’ve just scratched the surface, so look for more interactive FLWKidsClub.com content in
the months and years to come.
Yes, the face of fishing is changing, but its heart is not. The worldwide family of FLW
anglers, whose dedication to the sport and willingness to lend a helping hand are without
equal, remains the heart and soul of fishing. Thank you.
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Trish Blake
President, FLW Marketing Division
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FLWFISHING.COM I auGuSt-SepteMber 2018