Bass Fishing Aug - Sept 2016 | Page 34

Well, so much for this latest, greatest lure. I haven’t gotten so much as a nudge since I tied it on. Sometimes it doesn’t take too long for those “hot” lures to cool off. Maybe the bass just get tired of seeing them. Ranger Boats Founder Forrest L. Wood shares some fishing tips You’ve probably got a whole tackle box of “new” lures stuck somewhere in your garage that you need to try. These are the lures you used years ago, before you abandoned them for newer models. A lot of those old baits will still catch fish under the proper circumstances, because most of the bass swimming around today have never seen them before. In that sense, they are “new” again. Score one for the Floyd’s Buzzer! 32 I think it’s time for me to try a Spence Scout. FlWFishinG.COM i auGust-septeMber 2016