Bass Fishing Apr - May 2021 | Page 67

I ’ ve used all kinds of lures when sight fishing — from small jigs and tubes to hard baits to 10- or 12-inch worms , but if I had to pick just two baits , I ’ d go with a jig and a drop-shot .

Rods and reels are important , but a good pair of sunglasses is essential . I use Strike King sunglasses with amber lenses for most of my sight fishing . They show a tremendous amount of detail below the surface , and those lenses are especially good in Florida where we have a lot of dark , tannic water . You may want to experiment with lens colors on your water to see what works best for you .


I ’ ve used all kinds of lures when sight fishing — from small jigs and tubes to hard baits to 10- or 12-inch worms — but if I had to pick just two baits , I ’ d go with a jig and a drop-shot . But on days when I ’ m doing a lot of sight fishing , I might have six or eight rods on my deck , all rigged with different baits in various sizes and colors .