MLF Fisheries Management Division Defines its Pillars
There are a couple undeniable truths in tournament bass fishing .
First , we compete on public waterbodies , which means we ’ re sharing a fishery with other competitors , recreational fishermen , pleasure boaters and homeowners . It also means we all share ownership and responsibility of the resource that doesn ’ t end when the competition does .
Second , no matter where we compete , we ’ re trying to win by catching as many big fish as possible , but we can only catch the quality of fish that the fishery can produce .
With these truths in mind , Major League Fishing as an organization – and as a collective group of anglers – understands that we ’ re compelled to use our public fisheries resources in a responsible manner and to improve the fisheries and the quality of life for bass whenever it is possible . This is where MLF ’ s Fisheries Management Division ( FMD ) enters the picture .
From the inception of MLF in 2010 , we have always been ( and always will be ) an angler-lead organization . The Fisheries Management Division will be no exception to this strategy , with anglers and biologist working together . Gary Klein leads our angler effort and fisheries biologist
Steven Bardin leads the biologist effort within the FMD .
We understand our fisheries face several diverse challenges , including loss of fish habitat , loss of reproductive areas , an increase in algal blooms , impacts of various exotic species , competing ideas regarding aquatic vegetation management and changing angler preferences for various fish species . Because every fishery ’ s characteristics and needs are different , the only way to continue to strive for improvement is through a collaborative effort .
During these collaborations , both MLF fans and anglers deserve to be represented by a strong voice that always supports what ’ s best for improving the quality of life for bass and extending the sport of bass fishing . The MLF Fisheries Management Division ’ s primary focuses are centered on four pillars : Research , Fish Care , Education and Fisheries Enhancement .
PILLAR 1 : Research Leads the Way
If you tuned in to competition Day 1 of REDCREST 2021 , you saw Bryan Thrift ’ s official swab the mouth of his 7-pound , 1-ounce bass . This mouth swab was the first entry into our Major League Lunker DNA Initiative , and the first step in the Fisheries Management Division ’ s research to identify the genetic makeup of advanced-sized largemouth throughout the country .
Our goal is simply to improve the understanding of where Florida-genetic and Northern-genetic largemouth bass reside within the U . S ., and if a certain percentage of either can be tied to maximizing growth geographically . Thrift caught our first “ research ” fish , but this
Bryan Thrift shows off the first fish in the MLF Lunker DNA program .
By Steven Bardin and Gary Klein
research will continue throughout the coming years , starting on the Bass Pro Tour and expanding into the Tackle Warehouse Pro Circuit and beyond later this year .
As data comes in , we ’ ll use it to help make recommendations on fingerling stocking to improve the genetic potential of largemouth bass throughout the country .
PILLAR 2 : Fish Care is Critical
Fish care has continuously evolved since the beginning of tournament bass fishing , which started 50-plus years ago by carrying fish on a stringer to weigh-in ( which of course resulted in 100 percent of those fish being harvested ). This was quickly improved with the introduction of livewells .
As tournament anglers ’ understanding of fish care improved and weigh-in procedures were refined , we minimized loss of fish to astoundingly low numbers . The catch-weigh-immediate release format used on the MLF Bass Pro Tour became the next step in this evolution , where we not only release fish alive , but we also help to reduce some of the management impacts that fish transportation can have on a population .
The Fisheries Management Division will continue to strive for improvements to ensure that every fish weighed across all Major League Fishing events are released live . This includes collecting data while the fish are on our release boats , enhanced communication with state agencies with tournament results , collection of data from any fish unfortunately lost during an event and a commitment to help restore fish populations with selective genetic stocking of bass fingerlings .